Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Happy birthday to...me

i'm saying happy birthday to myself
how sad...
another year older
another year wiser
i think i'm too tired
saying stuff that doesn't fit the age here
it's like 1:14am now
but i don't want to go to bed
i want to watch the sunrise
but my eyes is just not following my orders
...slowing shutting it's heavy eyelid
*sigh* i realise i've been *sighing* alot these few days
oh yeah
i read my old diary (hand written!) diary entries yesterday
and laugh to myself so hard
memories just come flowing back
i wrote one entry yesterday
something that i can't post on this blog
people say after writting or telling out what is in your heart
well make you feel better
but it made me feel worse
lol...now i will have to remember it forever
since it's written down
it will be a reminder of that day
*sigh* (agaiN!)...................................................................................................................(looking up to the ceiling)......................................(eyelid starts drooping).................(eyelid fully shut)............(startled by the music).......(gives up!)
ok..ok...i'm going to go to bed now.
can't do much if my brain tells me to shut myself down
hope i can feel love tomorrow
with birthday wishes on either msn o fb!
night night! ^^
hope i have a sweet dream tonight!

BY Peanut

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