Wednesday, November 18, 2009

....exam result continue

oops...sorry for the post before
i was so work up when i knew they were about to play the MV
lol...and i'm listening to the same song now! ahaha
ok back to the subject
i have the results beside me!
Maths: B (mrs swain didn't calculate the percentage! lazy! lol!) But i thought i could do better. oh well it's over! the past is the past!
Science: 77% same thing thought i could have done better! :S
English: 80% (a big drop from 91%!)
Legal: 88% (another freakin big drop from 91%! CRY!)
French: 81% (ok with that mark!)
VF: 87% (i freakin whing that!)
Health: B (whing that too!)

that's it!
massive drop but i'm just going to think positive
didn't fail....didn't go bad
better than i expected...well not really!
but i'm happy with it!
*clap clap*
thank you thank you! lol
anyways! there's this annoying person calling me a nerd here
so i better just rush off and defend myself
cause he is the one studying for exams now and i'm here...
relaxing...finished all my exams!

BY Peanut

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