Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Work Experience

Second day of work experience and 3 more days to go!!!!

It's ok….

Kinda of boring to….

Really have to admit that

They have to find me work to do

Plus I finish it so quickly

NO, I'm not praising myself but the job they give me is really easy

So I sometimes wait like 10 to 15 minutes before I ask them if there are any other jobs I could do

However, today was somewhat better than yesterday

At least I got to go out with Julie to schools…2 schools

To deliver books that they order

And one of the schools was mum's

And then I got to use the register for 3 customers….

Proud of myself

And I used the tilt too

And rip the receipt

And gave change back to the customer

Lol…..happy me

And then had lunch with mum

Well, I actually prefer school than this but if you ask me to choose between camp and this…

Work experience!

Camp was a disaster

Well…not really

I survived so it can't be that bad


Hope the rest of the week will be good

Oh, Mrs Burton came and visited me…

It was pretty awkward

She had to ask these questions that the school wants her to ask me

It was like….

What is the worst part

And I answered, having nothing to do…

Which is true

And she asked

What was the best part

And I couldn't say there is no best part of it because it is true

So I say I don't know yet , it will come later in the week

But it's true too…

Maybe it will come later in the week!

I'm actually not looking forward for tomorrow but I have too

Because the next day after work experience…

I'm going back to MALAYSIA!

YAY! Holidays

But I hope It will be a peaceful trip.

Everytime we go back there is always so may arguments and shouting and stressing


There has been one the day before……

Hope we don't have to deal with it!!!

BY Peanut

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