Thursday, September 10, 2009


The weather is so depressing

Today is so depressing

When I was on the bus today, I have this feeling that today is a bad day

I have my piano lesson

I have my French test and oral to do in front of the class

I have to go to Concord

However, you can get over these things after the end of the day

But I can't get over what just happened…..probably not at the end of the day

When we got to formroom,

Everyone was called into the same room (which isn't normal for us)

Then while calling the role, I saw Heather crying

I didn't know why, I didn't want to know why because it would be none of my business

So I just push it to the back of my head and said yes when my name was called out.

Then Mrs Scott our level manager came in,

Followed by Mrs Rowe, our head of secondary

I thought we were in trouble because there was a Facebook issue going on a few days ago

However, it was news

Bad news

Laura and Caitie's dad died yesterday…….

I couldn't believe what I was hearing…..

I couldn't think, and I couldn't close my mouth

Close friends of the twins started to have tears rolling down their face

And without noticing my eyes were stinging

Silent was everywhere

Nobody dare to talk or make a noise

Some left because they have to go to class and weren't close friends with the twins.

I stayed….i know I don't consider as a close friend to them but I just wanted to be there for them, no matter what

They have been there for me when I was lonely, and I want to be there for them

We hugged each other, some gasping with fear and unbelievable faces.

I couldn't bear thinking how the twins will feel right now,

And I can't understand that too

I'm not in their position right now…..

We were then settled in the boardroom and we sat there in silent for a few moments

And then Elish started grabbing the paper that Mrs Scott left so we could write cards and posters for the twins

She started writing "Why we love Caitie and Laura…."

Smiles appear in everyone's faces and slowly everyone started picking up pencils and started writing or drawing

By looking at how we react and the energy we have for each other was so amazing

The love….was so powerful. The bond between them and the twins.

I look at all the quotes we wrote and all the photos that they stuck on posters….

It was so amazing

And I realise, I actually don't really know them that well and I actually wasn't meant to be in there with them

I know it's not the time to think about these things

But I just amazes me that how much love and support friends can give to you

Me and Emma made a card for them,

A page was about Smithers a.k.a Voldermort.

We printed a photo of him and stuck it in the card.

I remember when we took that picture before assembly.

It was so funny……

Jemima contacted Courtney and Mina

Courtney is trying to get back from Adelaide tonight cause Jemima, Simone and Lexie are going up to the twins' place tomorrow

Andrew and Heather are going to ….. (Andrew and Heather were the first ones to know about the news)

This news compare to the three things that I thought was the worst thing ever this morning was even worst and horrible.

It is so unbelievable that someone can just leave this planet in one blink of an eye.

We weren't allow to contact the twins even on facebook

I won't be seeing them until next term

I want to give them a big hug

And want them to know….

Eventhough our relationship is not as close as you and Jemima or Simone but I just want you to know that you were there for me and I will be there for you guys.

We can go through the hard times together…..

We when through Science and Maths

This is just a bit harder than Science and Maths

But we know that we can go through it together.

Just remember everyone loves you…..

Your dad when to a beautiful place and he will hope you guys can live on happily…..

BY Peanut

P.S Remember we will always be there for you!!!! J L>O>V>E LAURA AND CAITIE!

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