Friday, September 4, 2009


Just came back from the Yr 10 production "Snippets"
It's a traditional for Yr 10 drama students at our school to perform a play in Yr 10
Snippets is a series of short play
and i did actually enjoy it
Everyone involve in the play were stressing and saying how bad it was
compare to what i just saw....I was positive i wouldn't use bad to describe the play
it was awesome
everyone was awesome
Mackenzie was so funny....he is always funny
I went with Bec, Ellie and Grace
Haven't seen Ellie for ages, Bec for a while...Grace everyday
we talked so much
and it was a good catch up session
Bec and ellie was all shy seeing so much people
When we were talking,
i feel so free and comfortable around them
i just miss that feeling
and i always think
"what if they were still here at school...."
what will we be like.
Why did they have to leave????!!!!

By Peanut

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