Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Overall of Semester One!

Just a quick drop-by. ;) Semester 1 is finally over and we started semester 2 yesterday. We finished our exams last thrusday and got the day off on friday because of report writting day. YAY! Then we got our results back in class on Monday and so on....here are the results of my exams:

From Lowest to Highest
Science: 67% I knew i didn't do very good in that. Oh well, it's over!
Maths: 73% I thought I did well in that and we get to have our theory book and calculator and I got a B for it. But at lease i got all the multiple choice right!LOL
Values and Faith: 76% How can you get a B for that subject, someone even failed! *gasp*
French: 85% Satisfied but could have done better.....
Legal: 91% I knew I would get in the As but not in the A+'s
English: 91% SUPRISE! How...What....This couldn't happen to me!!!!

In English, I was actually the highest in the whole Yr 10 but Lexie creep up at and got 92%. Oh well, then i thought, I'm second in the whole year level. Then today in English when we got our exams back, Courtney said that Mrs Wheelan counted hers wrong and now she got 94% which was now the highest in Yr 10. I'm third now. And in Legal i was the top in class and Courtney got 90% and then she tells Mrs O'keefe that she counted her marks wrong and she got 93% for the exam and she is 1st again! URGH!!!!!!! Soz....i so wanted to be first in something cause i'm never first and i don't get it!

Today we had a subject slection briefing for next year. The results i get in this exam will heavily influences the subjects I'm limited to. I have an average B but I still not sure about Science because i still not sure about the overall performance that is in my report which is i am going to recieve in the holidays.

We are also doing camp selections this term. We have a yr 10 camp in August and I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO not looking forward it. Sometimes i reckon is OK when i think about it but sometimes i feel like crying because of the bad experience I have over the past camps. It's a 7 day camp and it is in 2 part. 3 and a half days of adventure and 3 and a half days of retreat. In the adventure part of the camp you get to choose one of the three options, skiing (cross country), cycling and canoeing. I can't ski plus you stay in the snow and i will freeze to that if i do that! Cycling, i like it but can't go uphill and this is a mountain biking tour. So canoeing is my choice now but.....I can't swim so hope i don't fall into the river.

In the retreat part, we have a 24 hour solo on one of the three days. We have to stay out in the bush for one day ALONE and set up our own tents, cook our meals, reflect....blah blah blah!!!! I DON'T WANT TO GO TO CAMP!! WAHHHHH!!!!

We have the long weekend this weekend and i'm going down to some holiday house somewhere with my family and mum's friends. Like last time we when to Daylesford. Hope it's going to be good! 2 more weeks and long holidays! YAY!

Love Peanut

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