Monday, May 25, 2009

Nearly there.....

I'm halfway through my exam week. I finished Engish, Maths, VF and just did Science this morning. Now, I don't have any exams so i'm at home studying for French exam tomorrow. I think i fail my Science exam. i know everyone says that but this time it's true. First, i didn't get to finish the exam, well maybe i took too long but more accurately, i didn't get the questions thats way i took that long. Advance science needs to do 3 sections while the rest only do two! The revision i did yesterday was not even on the test and the ones i didn't touch on was obviously on the test. I officially hate Physics!!!!! That screw me up so much!

I think i went alright in English, i reckon i drag too much in my essay but it did make sense so that's good. Maths, easier than i thought, this is the first time i finished in time in maths (and the first time i didn't finish in science!) we get to take our theory book and calculators it wasn't that bad. VF!!! what can i say....i finish like 15 minutes before the time but people around me were still writting furiously so i kept on adding stuff to it! lol!

Bec, i don't think that you have another chance for your exam....i don't know if it is different from your campus but this the results for this exam is used for your subject selection for yr 11 which is in august. So you can't use your end-of year exam result for subject selection. I am so screw because i bet i'm failing science and if you fail something you won't get to do a yr 12 subject. if your average level on your report is below c then you can't do it! I'm so stress now! ^^ Lol

Got to go study for French or I'll be screw like today for Science! See ya!

Love Peanut,

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