Sunday, June 14, 2009

A day of happy surprises!

Gosh! What a day of surprises! And they are all happy surprises! Yesterday, mum and dad were plannning to go to Dandenong market which is a bout and hour and a half away from home. I didn't want to go but mum persuaded me and i did go. So we had breakfast, or should i say brunch at maccas first and then we drove there. I read my book and listen to my Ipod on the car trip. When we got there, we go lost for a while even looking at the map but we found our way out and arrived at the market. But, the market was close and it only opens on tuesday, friday saturday (i think). I was like YES!!!! lol! I didn't want to go from the start and the market is close. COINCIDENCE!!!!

Then on our way home, dad turn off the main road into a row of shops and i took my headphones of and ask mum where are we going and mum said we are going to the music (insturment) shop. Cause i have a keyboard at home and there is not enough keys for me to play on so i asked mum before if i could get a piano. And GUESS WHAT! I got one today and it is delivered on Wednesday! ^^. It's a Yamaha U3-H model, i think. And i can't wait to play on it. But i feel guilty because of how expensive it is. Eventhough it is second hand , i still feel guilty. I guess i just have to work hard to show that buying me a piano is not a waste like last time......LOL. Yeah, last time we got a piano in Malaysia i didn't use it and my parents weren't that happy.

Then, well, i don't this is a happy surprise. Just a surprise. We were eating dinner at this asian restaurant in Flemington and when i finish my food, Mrs Rowe came in and sat on the table opposite us facing me but luckily her husband was sitting in front of her and my dad is sitting in front of me. LOL. I was like choking when i saw her! lol! Mrs Rowe is my head of secondary at school. LOL, i didn't really feel like talking to her, so i left quickly while my dad paid for the bill. I know, what kind of student am i....blah blah blah!

Well, that's it. Ok, it's not much for you but it is for me! lol!

Love Peanut

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