Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Waiting now in the libary for mum to pick me up. Basketball training was cancel so mum have to pick me up because i missed the bus. oh well, it's better to wait then go on the bus! Buses are so EVIL! lol ^^. It rained all week. We when down to Rye to the holiday house mum and her friends rented. Mum's friends bought her two dogs along. Kiera and Ruby. They're so cute and really shy. Dad cooked so much food that we were fully bloated. and i gain so much calories or FAT! lol! Running on the threadmill now everyday to burn down those fats baby! lol! what just happen?! It is so cold everyday! my feet is so cold and frezzing. It feels like i have frostbites ^^.

Less than 2 weeks and holidays. We're planning to go back to Malaysia in the holoidays is pondering whether to go home because of the outbreak of swine flu in victoria which is now up to 1000 cases and 1200 in the whole Australia. Dad is afraid we will bring the virus to our families in Malaysia without even realising or we won't be able to get into Malaysia's custom and be asked to home qurantine for 7 days. and we are stayin on Malaysia for 2 weeks that is just going just great! We haven't tell any of our relatives about our plans because we are actually not quite sure if we are going back and if we do we're giving them a surprise! that will be so cool!

Love Peanut

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