Saturday, June 13, 2009


Lol, it means hello in thai! I just been to a Thai restaurant down Johnson Street in Collingwood (near Smith Street). The food was really yummy! Mum was asked to join her collegues for dinner here so i had to come along with dad too.

We were the 1st ones to arrived and we sat at the far end of a 18 seated long table. I regretted that because i couldn't go to the restroom when i wanted cause i couldn't get out. My mum's best friend, a vietnamese and another new collegue at school from Malaysia sat together. Cause we are asians (WOAH! I used that word.), we have this same sense of talking. So we were at our little corner talking away. This is my 1st time meeting the girl that came from Malaysia. I heard about her from mum and i though she was pretty and nice! We have the same interest in shows and fashion,it's really cool. Cause in melbourne i can't really find anyone to talk to that have the same interest in me. So i feel quite happy to talk to someone who knows what i'm talking about! ^^

Love Peanut

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