Saturday, May 16, 2009


Whoa! What a week! Exams are just wrecking my plans and loosing away my precious time! And at school, we haven't even started revision sessions and our Science teacher haven't even give us the sheet on what we have to study on. In our year, we have 3 Science classes. The advance, the main stream and I think the other one is the so call "shit" class. I'm not giving comments or anything it's just what people named the class. So the advance people do differents things from the other classes. Well, not really much difference. We work more on Genetics than psycology and the other classes did both equally. So that means they have the same stuff we did in genetics but we don't have the same stuff they did in Psychology. And the exam is the same. We won't get the Psycology part and they will get everything! No!!!!!

On Tuesday and Wednesday, I had a back to back excursion.(the school still gives us excursion while exams are in less than a week!) On tuesday, I when to ACMI (it was a french excursion by the way) with the yr 11 and 12 french class and my class to watch two french movies. The first one was alright except for the shit endding and the second one was good. Quite funny i must say! On Wednesday, Oh god....bad memories. everyone in yr 10 when for a science excursion to go go-karting in epping. I was so nervous the day before because i haven't drive ANYTHING before. And when i got there i was like....why don't i try and then i will get the hang of it. So i did try and the results are................ i crash into the side tyres hald way through my 1st lap and then when the opposite way and crash again into the side tyres and got stuck. I knew i shouldn't have tried! I knew it! It was so embarrasing. I didn't want another go again so i walk back to where everyone was. I really wanted to cry....LOL and i did...well not fully just watery eyes. I think my problem was not pushing down on the brakes....^^ haha....well the guy was also really bitchy. YEAH, guys can be bitchy too. I really hated him! Bleh!

Exams are in 2 days time and I AM NOT READY! I am so gonna not pass this exam. The exam is too rush. We just finish our last topic for evey subject last week and we are starting revision now. Last week, we still have homework to finish, how could we do so much homework and do revision at the same time....this is insane! HELP ME!

Love Peanut,

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