Saturday, July 17, 2010

SuperBoy 12 into 10!!!

I think I was meant to blog about yesterday night's (or morning's)
Super Boy
yesterday 2 contestants needs to be eliminated
and it wasn't Jaki obviously since
he is already in the top10
it was 01. Delay
and 08.赵帆
and the top scorer of this round
is 06. 李炜!!!!

go Well!!!
When he sang the first song
I knew straight away that he will be the top scorer for tonight
the atmosphere of the first song
was simillar's to Jaki's last week
and plus both of them are from the same province
and they're good friends
I'm happy for him!
But a bit jealous
that Jaki didn't get the to scorer again
but that was reasonable
as we were it last week
and might as well let others have a go
but this round's top scorer is straight into the Top8
and Well's in it now
let's talk about the eliminated contestants a 2 person group
they have been PKing (hope you get what that means :S)
for nearly every round of Super Boy
and I don't mean to be mean
ahaha (mean and mean)
but I think they are much better then others in the Top 12
and I really hope they could stay till the end
but guess not
and there 赵帆(zhao fan)
he is also better than others in the Top12
he was eliminated first
so he is rank as number 12th
and Delay being number 11th
and as for Jaki last night....
was awesome
he's always awesome
look at what he is wearing
You know the themesong for super mario
everyone does!!!
well he compose the lyrics for the themesong
involving the Top 12s
it was so cooollll
but for some reason
we didn't get a high mark
I'll talk about that later
but overall Jaki was awesome
and I think he risk this week
by doing the super mario themesong
(I know you are thinking how do you SING to that rhytmn!!!)
but he did
and he knew he won't be eliminated because he is already in the Top10
because of knowing that 2 contestants will be eliminated today
he wrote something
involving the Top 12s.
it would be something memorable
to have
their friendship will last forever!

I'm worry about next Friday
as there is a chance that Jaki may be eliminated
but I believe in him
and he will go till the end
well I'm don't really want him to be the champion
because from looking at the past super boys and girls
the champions are not the famous ones
the 2nd , 3rd  and 4th are those that are really famous
for some reason
but I do hope we still get the champion!!!!
I'm talking shit ain't I!
I'll talk more about it later!

that will be fun!!!!


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