Friday, July 30, 2010

Friday is here again
and here I want to say
Jaki, that girl doesn't deserve your love
you deserve more than her
and don't give up on this competition, your dreams
because of her and what she said
If she really love you
then she will support you
not tell you to give up and break up with you
I heard that at today's rehersal
you suggested to be the one to be eliminated
I don't know if this is true
but if the reason is because of what this girl said
that she won't be with you until you quit all this singing
then it's not worth it
so please...
you are not such a person who will easily give up
you said last week that you
want to stay on that stage
and sing for us
you can do it
we are all still waiting for you to sing "summer" for us
please Jaki
believe in yourself
however, if you really choose to be eliminated
we will still be by your side


P.S sorry for not continuing uploading those photos form last firday's Super Boy

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