Friday, August 7, 2009

Mixed Feelings!

What am i going to do
i so nervous about camp since i haven't been on camp for about a year now
last one was yr 9 cadet camp in april i think
and i skip the other cadet camp that i was meant to go....about that
anyways, im done packing but it feels like i missed something
i also have this types of feelings even packing my for Malaysia
what am i going to do, i'm stressing out so much
i got my ipod shuffle though...
that's why i'm still up typing this blog caus ei'm loading songs on it
it is so different from the other ipods
you can't charge normally with a charger you have to charge on the computer
and there is all tis instruction to do stuff that you already know how to do on a normal ipod
hmm....when i sync it it says i put to many songs and i've try 3 times to cut down the song load but it seems i have to cut down more
but i want every song....well not every song bu the song i chose in the shuffle.
it's 11:00pm Melbourne time and i have to get up at 5:45 tomorrow morning
and be at school at 7:30....i will be so tired....
i'm going to bed now...
that was a sudden ending, anywayz


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