Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Glue on hands *sigh*

I better be uick with this post cause it's bedtime and i'm really tired.
but the glue on my hands are slowling me down
i've just finish my only homework for the day
which is doing a poster for legal studies
I have blocking problems for my subject for next year.
i was meant to do human and health development however,
because i think there is not much people doing it so the class is not running
now i have to choose another subject
these are my choices,
physics, art, general B, french and international politics
scratch art and french and gen B out of the way
and i'm still thinking which one to do between physics or int pol
i prefer int pol more.
i'm a mre notetaking type of person plus i fail physics at the start of the year
and i swore i will never ever do physics again
It is hell!
However, physics is a prequsite subject for UNI and int pol is not
so i i do physics i'll get another course choice
what am i gonna do?
i didn't have much time to do some research today because of the workload!
i have to tell Mrs Scott tomorrw about my choices
maybe i should ask for and extension
.....well it's not really an assignment or homework, can't really ask for one

BY Peanut

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