Saturday, August 15, 2009

Back from Camp

Back from CAMP!!!!
Last camp ever! No more camps
I survived with just a few bruises from bikeriding
ok, let's start from the bikeriding camp
well, i'm a person who won't get use in the change of environment in the first instance
so on the first day....i had a panic breakdown as normal but later on i was alright
on the first day i though we didn't have to bikeride and we just had a briefing or something
but we got to the Halls education centre in Gembrook got our bikes and the instructor said we are going for a 12km bikeride after a brief briefing
i was stunt so on the first day we had a 12km bikeride and i was so sore already after the 1st day
half way of the bikeride on the 1st day i had a cramp and it hurts like hell
when we got to where we are camping for the night, all of us realise that we had bikeride in circles.
I was
The boys had a go for another round while us girls just sat there while the instructors go look for a camping spot
we set up our tents at around 5ish and started cooking dinner.
dinner duty was in groups...3 groups that rotate everyday
me, maddie and tash were doing clean-up on the first day so we don't have to do it again.
we ate pasta on the 1st day and it was alright
the next day i couldn't even sit on my bike because my ass hurt and it is not FUNNY!
but i tried my best....well....yeah
we had to ride 16km today
we had stir-fry that night, and it was our turn to prepare and cook
the next day is almost the same distances and i stack today because of the wet ground.
i was a gun going downhill but i told myself not to be proud cause if i'm prund of myself i will definately fall of my bike! No jokes...
for dinner we had spagetti with tomato sauce
so basically we had pasta everynight
and that night in our tent there was a leech! AHHHH!!!! we squish it...well tash just got my torch and squish it eventhough she had hers in her hand! F**k her!
Ok, i don't like Tash and you can see from my language just then
she is a bitch
she doesn't do anything while me and maddie finds a way out to do things
she doesn't clean-up, she doesn't set up or pack up the tents, she tells me to do this and do that and i am so piss of at HER!!!!!! Argh!!!
Oh, and she always wants me to repeat after her and if i don't she annoys me until i do! Screw her!
She also fall in love with the instructor and fully like filrts with him.
He is alright know, it's not right!
Anyways, retreat!
Shared a bunk bed with Nymie and when we got there, after having lunch(sausages with bread) i quickly had a shower
We had retreat session next and Mrs Scott said before the session starts,
if anyone have ipods, phones need to hand them up because you weren't allow to bring them.
i had my ipods and so did some of the other girls who had their phone too and i didn't hand in mine!
REBEL!!! ahahaha!
I sliped it in my bra the whole time in retreat. lol
we watch a movie a night call "Pay it Forward" and it was so depressing at the end...
the boys had thier solo briefing so it was just us girls
the next day at retreat, the boys when on solo.
The girls were so worried, not because of the boys going to be in danger
but because the boys go first, they have to set up their tent and use it first, do i say this, in yr 10 camp there is a so call "challenge" for the boys and the "challenge" is to get 7.............................
if you get it then....yeah. if you don't get it you don't get it, i'm not going indept
anyway, the girls had their retreat sessions and relax time(we did yoga!) and also solo briefing at night.
at the briefing, everyone was so aggresive.
we weren't allow to bring books, toilletries (just toothbrush and toothpaste, extra food and of course ipods and phones.
what are you going to do for a whole 24 hours....22 hours to be accurate without books or anything
well, i had my ipod with me on solo and i slept the whole time except lunch and dinner.
we were meant to write a letter to ourselves and i did that in the 1st 15 minutes.
and i think i didn't go in to deep and i'm regretting now
the rest was just ipod, sleep and eat
when we were going to our solo spots, which is half an hour away from base camp....
before we turn into the road to all the sites we get blindfolded.
It was so funny because the driver was a guy intructor and if you were from the outside you will see a guy driving a bus full of blindfolded girls
i was site 10 and i still don't know which guy got that was clean(comment/hint about the challenge!)
we get pick up at 8 the next day and we have to pack up our tents.
as i got experience of doing it in bikeriding camp,
i am not good at it
i had to do it for half and hour and it merely fitted in the bag
so we got back to base camp and we had to clean our room, have lunch and i was on duty group to clean up and back home we go!
we watch "The Incredibles" on the bus and i sat beside Grace.R who basically laugh at anything!
That is just a brief overview about camp, don't really want to go much into details because there will be too much to WRITE!
so glad to be home but this will be the last time everyone will be together for 7 days!
Well, i don't miss it though! ahahah!

BY Peanut

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