BY Peanut
Friday, August 28, 2009
Legal Studies Asignment
In legal, now until the end of term, we have an assignement to do
we are spilt in to two groups of six and we have to do a mock trial
we can choose to do a criminal or civil case
of course we choose to do criminal case!
the other group is doing it too
and my group is doing attempted murder
that is what the other group is doing too
we were about to do murder but we won't have a victim then (the assignment specify to have a victim)
and then we thought why not do rape but then we thought of attempted murder
Jemima is the defendant
Laura is the victim
I'm the witness of the prosecutor
Courtney is the witness of the defendant
and Andy and Koldy is barristers for both sides
the jury and the judge is the teacher and people from the other group
by the way, i'm a french old lady in the case
i could use my french accent then!
This is the plot of or case
Jemima and Laura are sisters
Jemima is married
Jemima's husband have an affair with Laura and one day Courtney caught them 'flinging' but they didn't see her (just cutting short on the info!)
she goes back and tell Jemima and Jemima says she needs to calm down by herself so Courtney left
later, jemima couldn't calm down and grab a kitchen knife and drove of to Laura's
Jemima's husband when back to work before Jemima arrives
The Jemima, with the spare key opens the door and have an argument with Laura
Laura wanted to call the police and when she got her back turned, Jemima stab her in the back
Jemima grabs the knife and runs out the door (this is now night time!) and I see her through my window (i'm laura's neighbour by the way) and saw Jemima. I know Jemima because Laura and Jemima lived together before Jemima got married.
That is basically the basic plot.
We are still altering it if we have to suit the questioning of both barristers.
I hope we get this finish
However, Andy and Courtney won't be here to do the mock trial
Courtney is going to Adelaide and Andy have to go to the passing out parade for cadets
i'm doing Courtney's bit too so i'm two witnesses
As for Andy, we can't loose a proscutor so we might do it earlier than the other group, i'm guessing
hope it goes well
We have to film it so the teacher can slowly observe us on tape and mark us on it.
*sigh* everyone don't really co-operate hope it gets better....
everyone is so.....tired and droppy maybe its the end of the week....
It will get better, i guess.....
BY Peanut
we are spilt in to two groups of six and we have to do a mock trial
we can choose to do a criminal or civil case
of course we choose to do criminal case!
the other group is doing it too
and my group is doing attempted murder
that is what the other group is doing too
we were about to do murder but we won't have a victim then (the assignment specify to have a victim)
and then we thought why not do rape but then we thought of attempted murder
Jemima is the defendant
Laura is the victim
I'm the witness of the prosecutor
Courtney is the witness of the defendant
and Andy and Koldy is barristers for both sides
the jury and the judge is the teacher and people from the other group
by the way, i'm a french old lady in the case
i could use my french accent then!
This is the plot of or case
Jemima and Laura are sisters
Jemima is married
Jemima's husband have an affair with Laura and one day Courtney caught them 'flinging' but they didn't see her (just cutting short on the info!)
she goes back and tell Jemima and Jemima says she needs to calm down by herself so Courtney left
later, jemima couldn't calm down and grab a kitchen knife and drove of to Laura's
Jemima's husband when back to work before Jemima arrives
The Jemima, with the spare key opens the door and have an argument with Laura
Laura wanted to call the police and when she got her back turned, Jemima stab her in the back
Jemima grabs the knife and runs out the door (this is now night time!) and I see her through my window (i'm laura's neighbour by the way) and saw Jemima. I know Jemima because Laura and Jemima lived together before Jemima got married.
That is basically the basic plot.
We are still altering it if we have to suit the questioning of both barristers.
I hope we get this finish
However, Andy and Courtney won't be here to do the mock trial
Courtney is going to Adelaide and Andy have to go to the passing out parade for cadets
i'm doing Courtney's bit too so i'm two witnesses
As for Andy, we can't loose a proscutor so we might do it earlier than the other group, i'm guessing
hope it goes well
We have to film it so the teacher can slowly observe us on tape and mark us on it.
*sigh* everyone don't really co-operate hope it gets better....
everyone is so.....tired and droppy maybe its the end of the week....
It will get better, i guess.....
BY Peanut
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Friends or Lover?
well, here's the theory of today....
if you choose the lover you will lose the friend
Well, the theory is not really true,
it seeing what context you fit it into
well here's the context of mine that i saw at school today.
Well, Courtney was telling me, Lexie and Simone in the library that Erin and Piers are now going out.
Obviously, everyone gasp.
This is because you don't see them talk together often, so they're really not that close(...from what we see)
Plus, Tim asked Erin out before
And Erin said she'll go out with him and "try" it out.
But later she when to Canada for exchange
when she came back Tim asked her again but she refuse to go out with him anymore.
I know, Erin sounds like a bitch.
fooling around with people's hearts
I think so too. I'm sorry Erin....
Hope she doesn't find out my blog or i'm screwed
well, we weren't even really friends to start with but she is nice
anyway, nobody realy knows about Erin and Piers going out.
And Tim is really furious about Piers doing that
Everyone knows that Tim loves Erin... A LOT
and now Piers asked Erin out and Erin agrees?!
On the bus heading to Epping station (which means no much people is on the bus)
Tim and Piers were sitting at the front and back of each other.
Both of them leaning on the window.
Couldn't really worked out what they were saying but by seeing their expressions...
don't think they were saying good stuff
i thought i caught a sorry once but maybe not!
So i'm saying here,
to get the girl you have to lose your friend...
and also to get the boy you have to lose your friend...
it always happen in TV series but I never ever saw one in real life.
So here is my first experience!
BY Peanut
if you choose the lover you will lose the friend
Well, the theory is not really true,
it seeing what context you fit it into
well here's the context of mine that i saw at school today.
Well, Courtney was telling me, Lexie and Simone in the library that Erin and Piers are now going out.
Obviously, everyone gasp.
This is because you don't see them talk together often, so they're really not that close(...from what we see)
Plus, Tim asked Erin out before
And Erin said she'll go out with him and "try" it out.
But later she when to Canada for exchange
when she came back Tim asked her again but she refuse to go out with him anymore.
I know, Erin sounds like a bitch.
fooling around with people's hearts
I think so too. I'm sorry Erin....
Hope she doesn't find out my blog or i'm screwed
well, we weren't even really friends to start with but she is nice
anyway, nobody realy knows about Erin and Piers going out.
And Tim is really furious about Piers doing that
Everyone knows that Tim loves Erin... A LOT
and now Piers asked Erin out and Erin agrees?!
On the bus heading to Epping station (which means no much people is on the bus)
Tim and Piers were sitting at the front and back of each other.
Both of them leaning on the window.
Couldn't really worked out what they were saying but by seeing their expressions...
don't think they were saying good stuff
i thought i caught a sorry once but maybe not!
So i'm saying here,
to get the girl you have to lose your friend...
and also to get the boy you have to lose your friend...
it always happen in TV series but I never ever saw one in real life.
So here is my first experience!
BY Peanut
Happy belated Birthday!
Oops....I actually totatly forgot about your birthday!
Happy Belated Birthday JIRO
Well, i didn't really forget but i realise it was your birthday yesterday when i came home frome school....
which is a very big no no! :)
Ok, here goes my speech
I remember the day that i saw you in HanaKimi.
Well, Chun attracted me more in that show but i love the golden hair!
Chun then brought me to Fahrenheit which brought me to you!
Even though in Fahrenheit you're not my favourite one
You're the group leader,
and group leaders are meant to be loved
you're the spirit of Fahrenheit
no matter what you're the big brother to them (eventhough you're not the oldest! hahah)
and you have the most experience of them all.
you have own so many works of your own especially Taiwan drama series.
you have your rocker personality and your cute personality(and i love them both)
I love you no matter what,
eventhough you are not my favourite in Fahrenheit
you still have the same amount of love as all of them!
hope you have good health in the coming years
and hope your career will continue to bloom
you should also write some music for Fahrenheit's next album...it will be really cool!
Happy Belated Birthday JIRO
Well, i didn't really forget but i realise it was your birthday yesterday when i came home frome school....
which is a very big no no! :)
Ok, here goes my speech
I remember the day that i saw you in HanaKimi.
Well, Chun attracted me more in that show but i love the golden hair!
Chun then brought me to Fahrenheit which brought me to you!
Even though in Fahrenheit you're not my favourite one
You're the group leader,
and group leaders are meant to be loved
you're the spirit of Fahrenheit
no matter what you're the big brother to them (eventhough you're not the oldest! hahah)
and you have the most experience of them all.
you have own so many works of your own especially Taiwan drama series.
you have your rocker personality and your cute personality(and i love them both)
I love you no matter what,
eventhough you are not my favourite in Fahrenheit
you still have the same amount of love as all of them!
hope you have good health in the coming years
and hope your career will continue to bloom
you should also write some music for Fahrenheit's next album...it will be really cool!
Friday, August 21, 2009
-拍摄《说说》MV。 黑GIRL筱婕担任女主角
-成员们各自拍偶像剧。Jiro/Calvin-桃花小妹 Aaron/Calvin-爱似百汇
BY Peanut
-拍摄《说说》MV。 黑GIRL筱婕担任女主角
-成员们各自拍偶像剧。Jiro/Calvin-桃花小妹 Aaron/Calvin-爱似百汇
BY Peanut
Thursday, August 20, 2009
所以没小蛮, 很平常
BY Peanut
所以没小蛮, 很平常
BY Peanut
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
_ _ _ _ _ troubles with her.....
I don't really want to type her name out but here's a hint,
it rhymes with vegan....yeah you know it!
ok, what if you know the name....you don't even know her
well, this is why i'm here to tell you about her
she is new to our schoo, our year level and our class
she is short, a bit plump and has long hair
she is nice to everyone but....really really nice....
she laughs at what everyone says
and she talks really randomly
once i was saying,
P= me
_ = her
p: i have blocking problems with my subjects
_: Yeah, i really want to make a blog too!
i know she may have heard something wrong there, like blocking and blogging.....but....ok. there is just a hearing mistake there but it is even worst at times.
I do feel sorry for her, because no one at school knows cleary how it feels to be alone without no friends
but sometimes she just gets on my nerves and i like others will somtimes....ignore her
i do feel guilty....i do.....
people at school make fun of her behind her back and at lunch or recess they will shun her out of the circle....or she will be sitting outside the circle
everyone actually knows that it is happening at school, even the exchange students are fooling her
I don't know...i feel the teachers don't favour much of her too
i heard iur work-experience co-ordinarder in pastoral telling her to stop calling the place where she is applying for her work-experience because the people there are getting fed-up
she called 12 times~~!!! 12 times!
i will be really fed-up if i were to recieve her calls 12 times!
I know that she wants to fit in cause she is new to the school but she doesn't know the proper way to do it
im not saying i know the proper way or anything, it's just that she is taking it TOO fast
she doesn't know when she should talk with others and when to just leave them alone.
she cuts your sentences and laugh at basically anything you say...and i'm telling you people hate that
she follows you everywhere and wants you to go with her anywhere
i don't want to reject her at first cause she was new
but now if she ask me if i want to go to the staffroom or IT or anywhere i'll say no
sometimes i'll hesitate but then...yeah no
i'm sorry...
i've tried to be friends with you, we are now like aquaintance
not really close but still talking to each other...when needed.
One of your friends from your old school is coming to the school next term.
why don't you join her,
she will be happy with your company
OH NO....i sound so mean
i don't mean to tell you to like nick off but yeah....
better stop here or it will get worse
BY Peanut
P.S: sorry, it's just my feeling about you....
it rhymes with vegan....yeah you know it!
ok, what if you know the name....you don't even know her
well, this is why i'm here to tell you about her
she is new to our schoo, our year level and our class
she is short, a bit plump and has long hair
she is nice to everyone but....really really nice....
she laughs at what everyone says
and she talks really randomly
once i was saying,
P= me
_ = her
p: i have blocking problems with my subjects
_: Yeah, i really want to make a blog too!
i know she may have heard something wrong there, like blocking and blogging.....but....ok. there is just a hearing mistake there but it is even worst at times.
I do feel sorry for her, because no one at school knows cleary how it feels to be alone without no friends
but sometimes she just gets on my nerves and i like others will somtimes....ignore her
i do feel guilty....i do.....
people at school make fun of her behind her back and at lunch or recess they will shun her out of the circle....or she will be sitting outside the circle
everyone actually knows that it is happening at school, even the exchange students are fooling her
I don't know...i feel the teachers don't favour much of her too
i heard iur work-experience co-ordinarder in pastoral telling her to stop calling the place where she is applying for her work-experience because the people there are getting fed-up
she called 12 times~~!!! 12 times!
i will be really fed-up if i were to recieve her calls 12 times!
I know that she wants to fit in cause she is new to the school but she doesn't know the proper way to do it
im not saying i know the proper way or anything, it's just that she is taking it TOO fast
she doesn't know when she should talk with others and when to just leave them alone.
she cuts your sentences and laugh at basically anything you say...and i'm telling you people hate that
she follows you everywhere and wants you to go with her anywhere
i don't want to reject her at first cause she was new
but now if she ask me if i want to go to the staffroom or IT or anywhere i'll say no
sometimes i'll hesitate but then...yeah no
i'm sorry...
i've tried to be friends with you, we are now like aquaintance
not really close but still talking to each other...when needed.
One of your friends from your old school is coming to the school next term.
why don't you join her,
she will be happy with your company
OH NO....i sound so mean
i don't mean to tell you to like nick off but yeah....
better stop here or it will get worse
BY Peanut
P.S: sorry, it's just my feeling about you....
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Glue on hands *sigh*
I better be uick with this post cause it's bedtime and i'm really tired.
but the glue on my hands are slowling me down
i've just finish my only homework for the day
which is doing a poster for legal studies
I have blocking problems for my subject for next year.
i was meant to do human and health development however,
because i think there is not much people doing it so the class is not running
now i have to choose another subject
these are my choices,
physics, art, general B, french and international politics
scratch art and french and gen B out of the way
and i'm still thinking which one to do between physics or int pol
i prefer int pol more.
i'm a mre notetaking type of person plus i fail physics at the start of the year
and i swore i will never ever do physics again
It is hell!
However, physics is a prequsite subject for UNI and int pol is not
so i i do physics i'll get another course choice
what am i gonna do?
i didn't have much time to do some research today because of the workload!
i have to tell Mrs Scott tomorrw about my choices
maybe i should ask for and extension
.....well it's not really an assignment or homework, can't really ask for one
BY Peanut
but the glue on my hands are slowling me down
i've just finish my only homework for the day
which is doing a poster for legal studies
I have blocking problems for my subject for next year.
i was meant to do human and health development however,
because i think there is not much people doing it so the class is not running
now i have to choose another subject
these are my choices,
physics, art, general B, french and international politics
scratch art and french and gen B out of the way
and i'm still thinking which one to do between physics or int pol
i prefer int pol more.
i'm a mre notetaking type of person plus i fail physics at the start of the year
and i swore i will never ever do physics again
It is hell!
However, physics is a prequsite subject for UNI and int pol is not
so i i do physics i'll get another course choice
what am i gonna do?
i didn't have much time to do some research today because of the workload!
i have to tell Mrs Scott tomorrw about my choices
maybe i should ask for and extension
.....well it's not really an assignment or homework, can't really ask for one
BY Peanut
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Taiwan Typhoon Crisis
I finally thought of a topic to talk about so i'm back for another post!
as some of you might know about the typhoon that hit Taiwan a week ago (8/8/09 - the date which i went to camp!)
It has cause much disaster to the country
people have lost their property and even family and friends
hope everyone can give a hand and help them.
A donation or even a prayer
Taiwan have been a part of me since 2 years ago
Because of the obessesion of the entertainment circle over there
I want the country to be safe and sound
another reason is some of my relatives are living over there,
and i don't want them to be in danger
Eventhough we don't meet up that often, they're still relatives
before camp,
i heard about the typhoon about to strike Taiwan
i didn't know that it will be such a big one that cause so many consequences
There will be a charity live show on TV(chinese) tomorrow at 9:30
And i'll be watching that no matter what
Well, seeing the news about the aftermath of the typhoon is really depressing
hope everyone can help out and give them faith
BY Peanut
as some of you might know about the typhoon that hit Taiwan a week ago (8/8/09 - the date which i went to camp!)
It has cause much disaster to the country
people have lost their property and even family and friends
hope everyone can give a hand and help them.
A donation or even a prayer
Taiwan have been a part of me since 2 years ago
Because of the obessesion of the entertainment circle over there
I want the country to be safe and sound
another reason is some of my relatives are living over there,
and i don't want them to be in danger
Eventhough we don't meet up that often, they're still relatives
before camp,
i heard about the typhoon about to strike Taiwan
i didn't know that it will be such a big one that cause so many consequences
There will be a charity live show on TV(chinese) tomorrow at 9:30
And i'll be watching that no matter what
Well, seeing the news about the aftermath of the typhoon is really depressing
hope everyone can help out and give them faith
BY Peanut
Back to work
School tomorrow.....
it feels like a new term of school is about to start
and it feels like i just cameback from holidays
Ok, camp isn't going on holidays...it was hell...jokes!
Camp was better than i thought, actually
I stayed up till 3 last night to watch everything i miss over the week on Youtube
...and i still have more to go
i thought of watching MIT tonight but guess not
I've stop watching it since the last holidays
and i was this close to finishing the whole series
seems like it has to wait till the holidays again'!
I was meant to have a French oral test tomorrow
but i haven't study...yet
i'm just gonna have an extension and do it on tuesday
i really couldn't be screw to do it over the weekend when i just came back from camp
I'm so bored....don't feel that tired to go to bed because i slept in today which i do every Sunday
Note to self...don't sleep in on Sundays
but i don't think it will work....lol
everyone will be talking about camp tomorrow...JOY --"
i'm starting to talk crap now
......i'm out of topics! Good night!
P.S i know that was a sudden but i don't really know what to type now....
i just wanted to drop by and say hi and goodnight and i've done that. Job done, mission acomplished! Loveeee
BY Peanut
it feels like a new term of school is about to start
and it feels like i just cameback from holidays
Ok, camp isn't going on holidays...it was hell...jokes!
Camp was better than i thought, actually
I stayed up till 3 last night to watch everything i miss over the week on Youtube
...and i still have more to go
i thought of watching MIT tonight but guess not
I've stop watching it since the last holidays
and i was this close to finishing the whole series
seems like it has to wait till the holidays again'!
I was meant to have a French oral test tomorrow
but i haven't study...yet
i'm just gonna have an extension and do it on tuesday
i really couldn't be screw to do it over the weekend when i just came back from camp
I'm so bored....don't feel that tired to go to bed because i slept in today which i do every Sunday
Note to self...don't sleep in on Sundays
but i don't think it will work....lol
everyone will be talking about camp tomorrow...JOY --"
i'm starting to talk crap now
......i'm out of topics! Good night!
P.S i know that was a sudden but i don't really know what to type now....
i just wanted to drop by and say hi and goodnight and i've done that. Job done, mission acomplished! Loveeee
BY Peanut
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Kevin!
Another year older, another year getting better
Burning Flame III is about to show this coming Monday
You have been the 1st season of it as a cameo and you're now the lead!
You've work hard and have got the best actor award in no time!
Hope your career will continue to bloom and hope you are well!
Once again...
Another year older, another year getting better
Burning Flame III is about to show this coming Monday
You have been the 1st season of it as a cameo and you're now the lead!
You've work hard and have got the best actor award in no time!
Hope your career will continue to bloom and hope you are well!
Once again...
Back from Camp
Back from CAMP!!!!
Last camp ever! No more camps
I survived with just a few bruises from bikeriding
ok, let's start from the bikeriding camp
well, i'm a person who won't get use in the change of environment in the first instance
so on the first day....i had a panic breakdown as normal but later on i was alright
on the first day i though we didn't have to bikeride and we just had a briefing or something
but we got to the Halls education centre in Gembrook got our bikes and the instructor said we are going for a 12km bikeride after a brief briefing
i was stunt so on the first day we had a 12km bikeride and i was so sore already after the 1st day
half way of the bikeride on the 1st day i had a cramp and it hurts like hell
when we got to where we are camping for the night, all of us realise that we had bikeride in circles.
I was angry...lol
The boys had a go for another round while us girls just sat there while the instructors go look for a camping spot
we set up our tents at around 5ish and started cooking dinner.
dinner duty was in groups...3 groups that rotate everyday
me, maddie and tash were doing clean-up on the first day so we don't have to do it again.
we ate pasta on the 1st day and it was alright
the next day i couldn't even sit on my bike because my ass hurt and it is not FUNNY!
but i tried my best....well....yeah
we had to ride 16km today
we had stir-fry that night, and it was our turn to prepare and cook
the next day is almost the same distances and i stack today because of the wet ground.
i was a gun going downhill but i told myself not to be proud cause if i'm prund of myself i will definately fall of my bike! No jokes...
for dinner we had spagetti with tomato sauce
so basically we had pasta everynight
and that night in our tent there was a leech! AHHHH!!!! we squish it...well tash just got my torch and squish it eventhough she had hers in her hand! F**k her!
Ok, i don't like Tash and you can see from my language just then
she is a bitch
she doesn't do anything while me and maddie finds a way out to do things
she doesn't clean-up, she doesn't set up or pack up the tents, she tells me to do this and do that and i am so piss of at HER!!!!!! Argh!!!
Oh, and she always wants me to repeat after her and if i don't she annoys me until i do! Screw her!
She also fall in love with the instructor and fully like filrts with him.
He is alright but...you know, it's not right!
Anyways, retreat!
Shared a bunk bed with Nymie and when we got there, after having lunch(sausages with bread) i quickly had a shower
We had retreat session next and Mrs Scott said before the session starts,
if anyone have ipods, phones need to hand them up because you weren't allow to bring them.
i had my ipods and so did some of the other girls who had their phone too and i didn't hand in mine!
REBEL!!! ahahaha!
I sliped it in my bra the whole time in retreat. lol
we watch a movie a night call "Pay it Forward" and it was so depressing at the end...
the boys had thier solo briefing so it was just us girls
the next day at retreat, the boys when on solo.
The girls were so worried, not because of the boys going to be in danger
but because the boys go first, they have to set up their tent and use it first,
um....how do i say this, in yr 10 camp there is a so call "challenge" for the boys and the "challenge" is to get 7.............................
if you get it then....yeah. if you don't get it you don't get it, i'm not going indept
anyway, the girls had their retreat sessions and relax time(we did yoga!) and also solo briefing at night.
at the briefing, everyone was so aggresive.
we weren't allow to bring books, toilletries (just toothbrush and toothpaste, extra food and of course ipods and phones.
what are you going to do for a whole 24 hours....22 hours to be accurate without books or anything
well, i had my ipod with me on solo and i slept the whole time except lunch and dinner.
we were meant to write a letter to ourselves and i did that in the 1st 15 minutes.
and i think i didn't go in to deep and i'm regretting now
the rest was just ipod, sleep and eat
when we were going to our solo spots, which is half an hour away from base camp....
before we turn into the road to all the sites we get blindfolded.
It was so funny because the driver was a guy intructor and if you were from the outside you will see a guy driving a bus full of blindfolded girls
i was site 10 and i still don't know which guy got that site....it was clean(comment/hint about the challenge!)
we get pick up at 8 the next day and we have to pack up our tents.
as i got experience of doing it in bikeriding camp,
i am not good at it
i had to do it for half and hour and it merely fitted in the bag
so we got back to base camp and we had to clean our room, have lunch and i was on duty group to clean up and back home we go!
we watch "The Incredibles" on the bus and i sat beside Grace.R who basically laugh at anything!
That is just a brief overview about camp, don't really want to go much into details because there will be too much to WRITE!
so glad to be home but this will be the last time everyone will be together for 7 days!
Well, i don't miss it though! ahahah!
BY Peanut
Last camp ever! No more camps
I survived with just a few bruises from bikeriding
ok, let's start from the bikeriding camp
well, i'm a person who won't get use in the change of environment in the first instance
so on the first day....i had a panic breakdown as normal but later on i was alright
on the first day i though we didn't have to bikeride and we just had a briefing or something
but we got to the Halls education centre in Gembrook got our bikes and the instructor said we are going for a 12km bikeride after a brief briefing
i was stunt so on the first day we had a 12km bikeride and i was so sore already after the 1st day
half way of the bikeride on the 1st day i had a cramp and it hurts like hell
when we got to where we are camping for the night, all of us realise that we had bikeride in circles.
I was angry...lol
The boys had a go for another round while us girls just sat there while the instructors go look for a camping spot
we set up our tents at around 5ish and started cooking dinner.
dinner duty was in groups...3 groups that rotate everyday
me, maddie and tash were doing clean-up on the first day so we don't have to do it again.
we ate pasta on the 1st day and it was alright
the next day i couldn't even sit on my bike because my ass hurt and it is not FUNNY!
but i tried my best....well....yeah
we had to ride 16km today
we had stir-fry that night, and it was our turn to prepare and cook
the next day is almost the same distances and i stack today because of the wet ground.
i was a gun going downhill but i told myself not to be proud cause if i'm prund of myself i will definately fall of my bike! No jokes...
for dinner we had spagetti with tomato sauce
so basically we had pasta everynight
and that night in our tent there was a leech! AHHHH!!!! we squish it...well tash just got my torch and squish it eventhough she had hers in her hand! F**k her!
Ok, i don't like Tash and you can see from my language just then
she is a bitch
she doesn't do anything while me and maddie finds a way out to do things
she doesn't clean-up, she doesn't set up or pack up the tents, she tells me to do this and do that and i am so piss of at HER!!!!!! Argh!!!
Oh, and she always wants me to repeat after her and if i don't she annoys me until i do! Screw her!
She also fall in love with the instructor and fully like filrts with him.
He is alright but...you know, it's not right!
Anyways, retreat!
Shared a bunk bed with Nymie and when we got there, after having lunch(sausages with bread) i quickly had a shower
We had retreat session next and Mrs Scott said before the session starts,
if anyone have ipods, phones need to hand them up because you weren't allow to bring them.
i had my ipods and so did some of the other girls who had their phone too and i didn't hand in mine!
REBEL!!! ahahaha!
I sliped it in my bra the whole time in retreat. lol
we watch a movie a night call "Pay it Forward" and it was so depressing at the end...
the boys had thier solo briefing so it was just us girls
the next day at retreat, the boys when on solo.
The girls were so worried, not because of the boys going to be in danger
but because the boys go first, they have to set up their tent and use it first,
um....how do i say this, in yr 10 camp there is a so call "challenge" for the boys and the "challenge" is to get 7.............................
if you get it then....yeah. if you don't get it you don't get it, i'm not going indept
anyway, the girls had their retreat sessions and relax time(we did yoga!) and also solo briefing at night.
at the briefing, everyone was so aggresive.
we weren't allow to bring books, toilletries (just toothbrush and toothpaste, extra food and of course ipods and phones.
what are you going to do for a whole 24 hours....22 hours to be accurate without books or anything
well, i had my ipod with me on solo and i slept the whole time except lunch and dinner.
we were meant to write a letter to ourselves and i did that in the 1st 15 minutes.
and i think i didn't go in to deep and i'm regretting now
the rest was just ipod, sleep and eat
when we were going to our solo spots, which is half an hour away from base camp....
before we turn into the road to all the sites we get blindfolded.
It was so funny because the driver was a guy intructor and if you were from the outside you will see a guy driving a bus full of blindfolded girls
i was site 10 and i still don't know which guy got that site....it was clean(comment/hint about the challenge!)
we get pick up at 8 the next day and we have to pack up our tents.
as i got experience of doing it in bikeriding camp,
i am not good at it
i had to do it for half and hour and it merely fitted in the bag
so we got back to base camp and we had to clean our room, have lunch and i was on duty group to clean up and back home we go!
we watch "The Incredibles" on the bus and i sat beside Grace.R who basically laugh at anything!
That is just a brief overview about camp, don't really want to go much into details because there will be too much to WRITE!
so glad to be home but this will be the last time everyone will be together for 7 days!
Well, i don't miss it though! ahahah!
BY Peanut
Friday, August 7, 2009
Mixed Feelings!
What am i going to do
i so nervous about camp since i haven't been on camp for about a year now
last one was yr 9 cadet camp in april i think
and i skip the other cadet camp that i was meant to go....about that
anyways, im done packing but it feels like i missed something
i also have this types of feelings even packing my for Malaysia
what am i going to do, i'm stressing out so much
i got my ipod shuffle though...
that's why i'm still up typing this blog caus ei'm loading songs on it
it is so different from the other ipods
you can't charge normally with a charger you have to charge on the computer
and there is all tis instruction to do stuff that you already know how to do on a normal ipod
hmm....when i sync it it says i put to many songs and i've try 3 times to cut down the song load but it seems i have to cut down more
but i want every song....well not every song bu the song i chose in the shuffle.
it's 11:00pm Melbourne time and i have to get up at 5:45 tomorrow morning
and be at school at 7:30....i will be so tired....
i'm going to bed now...
that was a sudden ending, anywayz
What am i going to do
i so nervous about camp since i haven't been on camp for about a year now
last one was yr 9 cadet camp in april i think
and i skip the other cadet camp that i was meant to go....about that
anyways, im done packing but it feels like i missed something
i also have this types of feelings even packing my for Malaysia
what am i going to do, i'm stressing out so much
i got my ipod shuffle though...
that's why i'm still up typing this blog caus ei'm loading songs on it
it is so different from the other ipods
you can't charge normally with a charger you have to charge on the computer
and there is all tis instruction to do stuff that you already know how to do on a normal ipod
hmm....when i sync it it says i put to many songs and i've try 3 times to cut down the song load but it seems i have to cut down more
but i want every song....well not every song bu the song i chose in the shuffle.
it's 11:00pm Melbourne time and i have to get up at 5:45 tomorrow morning
and be at school at 7:30....i will be so tired....
i'm going to bed now...
that was a sudden ending, anywayz
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Just Dropping By...
I using another computer, which is why i'm typing in english
this lsptop doesn't have the program to type in Chinese,
Can't seem to get it working...anyways
mum and dad are now watching tv outside.
they are so obsess now with Taiwan drama...
they always say how much I watch it and laugh to myself and talk about it everyday
now look at them! Ahahaha....
They are now watching the highest rating Taiwan drama "Destiny to Love You" by Joe Chen and Ethan Ruan.
It's a go series and a fresh storyline.
I've just finish packing for camp and while packing mum was just like "hurry up, i want to watch "Destiny To Love You"
I was like "Mum,you told me off when i watch it, now when you are watching it you're still telling me off!"
Dad is also obsess with it.
He doesn't show it on the outside how he is so obsess with it
but everything he does and say to us is all about the series.
It's pretty funny
I'm now downloading Itunes on this laptop because...ok this is a long story.
Now, as you might know, i'm going to camp this saturday which is in a day time
and on camp, i will be bikieriding for 3 and a half days
and going on retreat for 3 and a half days
so overaal the camp is for a week
I'm getting to the point!
Ok, on camp you can't bring phones, ipods blah blah blah
I wasn't planning to bring any of those stuff or breaking any rules
but yesterday while packing (Damn! My internet connection just DC and my Itunes just stop downloading!)
anywayz, yesterday while packing for my retrest bag mum said, why don't you bring your ipod to camp!
I was like NO WAY! it's breaking the rules
i know, i know, i'm an angel ok! ahaha
But i wanted to bring my ipod because no music no life for me
so i told mum...Ok i will bring my ipod however, i have to ipods
one is ipod has a broken screen and a really flat battery tht can only last for 2 days. So nah! not bringing that
and the other one is my only normal functioning one so NAH! not bringing that one too
so mum was like. why don't i get you a new ipod!
i was like WOAH! tht didn't just came out from mum's mouth
and i obediently nodded! hehe.... and i told her to get me a shuffle cause it cost less and there is no screen on it. don't have to worry about anything
so now i'm downloading itunes on this computer because my other computer holds songs more than the space i will get on the shuffle
i don't want to delete songs from my library and don't want songs that i won't have.
So there you go, that is my reason why i'm downloading itunes.
I bet it won't DL today
the wireless connection on this laptop is so poor. No idea why
it will keep DCing
and i think it's happening now! oh god! no please
I'm getting my sleeping bag tomorrow in the city.
I think i'm prepared for this camp. I'm going to be alright....i guess.
It won't be as bad as last time cause I AM PREPARED! Yes, i have to think positive!
i'm also breaking more rules,
i'm bringing food to camp which is not allowed and you know about the Ipod and i'm bringing a aerosol can. OOOHHHHHH
yeah the aerosol can is dry shampoo.
Mum say it's alright. You just spray it on your hair and brush it out.
i won't get to wash my hair which will be like a bird nest and a piece of shit when i come home from camp!
I'm fine with the retreat and the 24 hour solo but not so good on the bikeriding bit.
my butt will hurt after a whole day of bikeriding and i will pull the group down because i am not that fit and can't go well on uphills.
what am i going to do, can't really push up the hill everytime.
Camp is so ridiculous! Camp should be optional! I'm glad this is our last camp! YAY!
no more camp and PE next year! What joy!
Uh....I'm recently addicted to the Vampire Academy Series.
On Shadow Kiss now and i find it really different from the Twilight Saga.
I thought it will be on the same concept but the author made it totally different eventhough it is about vampires.
It's addictive like the Twilight Saga. Lol....i'm all over the vampire books! haha
I better stop here....i'm going to go on for ages!
BY Peanut
this lsptop doesn't have the program to type in Chinese,
Can't seem to get it working...anyways
mum and dad are now watching tv outside.
they are so obsess now with Taiwan drama...
they always say how much I watch it and laugh to myself and talk about it everyday
now look at them! Ahahaha....
They are now watching the highest rating Taiwan drama "Destiny to Love You" by Joe Chen and Ethan Ruan.
It's a go series and a fresh storyline.
I've just finish packing for camp and while packing mum was just like "hurry up, i want to watch "Destiny To Love You"
I was like "Mum,you told me off when i watch it, now when you are watching it you're still telling me off!"
Dad is also obsess with it.
He doesn't show it on the outside how he is so obsess with it
but everything he does and say to us is all about the series.
It's pretty funny
I'm now downloading Itunes on this laptop because...ok this is a long story.
Now, as you might know, i'm going to camp this saturday which is in a day time
and on camp, i will be bikieriding for 3 and a half days
and going on retreat for 3 and a half days
so overaal the camp is for a week
I'm getting to the point!
Ok, on camp you can't bring phones, ipods blah blah blah
I wasn't planning to bring any of those stuff or breaking any rules
but yesterday while packing (Damn! My internet connection just DC and my Itunes just stop downloading!)
anywayz, yesterday while packing for my retrest bag mum said, why don't you bring your ipod to camp!
I was like NO WAY! it's breaking the rules
i know, i know, i'm an angel ok! ahaha
But i wanted to bring my ipod because no music no life for me
so i told mum...Ok i will bring my ipod however, i have to ipods
one is ipod has a broken screen and a really flat battery tht can only last for 2 days. So nah! not bringing that
and the other one is my only normal functioning one so NAH! not bringing that one too
so mum was like. why don't i get you a new ipod!
i was like WOAH! tht didn't just came out from mum's mouth
and i obediently nodded! hehe.... and i told her to get me a shuffle cause it cost less and there is no screen on it. don't have to worry about anything
so now i'm downloading itunes on this computer because my other computer holds songs more than the space i will get on the shuffle
i don't want to delete songs from my library and don't want songs that i won't have.
So there you go, that is my reason why i'm downloading itunes.
I bet it won't DL today
the wireless connection on this laptop is so poor. No idea why
it will keep DCing
and i think it's happening now! oh god! no please
I'm getting my sleeping bag tomorrow in the city.
I think i'm prepared for this camp. I'm going to be alright....i guess.
It won't be as bad as last time cause I AM PREPARED! Yes, i have to think positive!
i'm also breaking more rules,
i'm bringing food to camp which is not allowed and you know about the Ipod and i'm bringing a aerosol can. OOOHHHHHH
yeah the aerosol can is dry shampoo.
Mum say it's alright. You just spray it on your hair and brush it out.
i won't get to wash my hair which will be like a bird nest and a piece of shit when i come home from camp!
I'm fine with the retreat and the 24 hour solo but not so good on the bikeriding bit.
my butt will hurt after a whole day of bikeriding and i will pull the group down because i am not that fit and can't go well on uphills.
what am i going to do, can't really push up the hill everytime.
Camp is so ridiculous! Camp should be optional! I'm glad this is our last camp! YAY!
no more camp and PE next year! What joy!
Uh....I'm recently addicted to the Vampire Academy Series.
On Shadow Kiss now and i find it really different from the Twilight Saga.
I thought it will be on the same concept but the author made it totally different eventhough it is about vampires.
It's addictive like the Twilight Saga. Lol....i'm all over the vampire books! haha
I better stop here....i'm going to go on for ages!
BY Peanut
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
还有‘LogaLoga' 的精神
还有‘LogaLoga' 的精神
30/7 模范棒棒堂已播出了最后一集。
可是,我最不舍得就是那三军- 虎牙和阿杰
秘密基地 = 模范棒棒堂
外星人攻击 = Welcome外星人的节目代替了模范棒棒堂以往11点的空档
挺你挺到底 = 粉丝一定永远挺你们的哦!
BY Peanut
可是,我最不舍得就是那三军- 虎牙和阿杰
秘密基地 = 模范棒棒堂
外星人攻击 = Welcome外星人的节目代替了模范棒棒堂以往11点的空档
挺你挺到底 = 粉丝一定永远挺你们的哦!
BY Peanut
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