Monday, April 5, 2010

I"m finally in Japan
Dream Come True
I waited for so long...
and finally the time is here
a time where a can spend it with you
no matter how beautiful the scenery
how exciting the atmosphere is
how good the food is
I don't find any happiness in it
Because you are here but
your heart is somewhere else
we chatted yesterday night
and I mentioned "her"
not her name
just a hint that i know what was going on
it was awkward
and you didn't feel like going on with the conversation
i kept on going
it hurt inside of me
i don't know why
i want to let him know that i know what is happening
i want to let him know what i am thinking
i want to let him know what i am doing
i want to let him know that i am jealous
he knows what i know is happening
but he doesn't know what i amd thinking and doing
and lastly
he won't ever know that i am jealous
because he never will
think that I
will be jealous because he got a girlfriend
why would i be jealous?
online was his main prioity in Japan
to obviously talk to his gf
everywhere we go
he always talks about something concerning her
the camera
the jeans
that just proof that he is in love with her
i always do that
no matter who i talk to
where i go to
i can relate you with anything
you are part of my life
I was part of your life
I left?
gone forever

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