Tuesday, September 1, 2009

2 weeks

2 more weeks left till holidays
1 more week of school
and 1 week of work experience
I really hate the last few weeks of term
because you have so much test and assignments to finish before the end of term
this week has been so hectic eventhough it's the just the second day of the week
the yr 10 drama class have their drama play this thrusday and friday
they basically have rehersals every spare time they have
they need to stay in for lunch times and after school
i know it's not me but it affects us to
because of some group work we have to do together
especially legal which the script of our mock court is due this friday
we got most of the script done
we just have to finish it off and put it in order
memorise it and act it out
sound easy eh....it's not!
plus the cadets have the passing out parade and they have rehersal of it this thrusday and next tuesday
we have to do our mock court then next thrusday or friday
we can't do it on wednesday because Alex is going on an art excursion
and the teacher wants the whole class to be there
however, courtney will be in adelaide for the whole week and now i have to memorise both her and my lines
i'm not good at drama and memorising scripts!
And then i have a french oral presentation
you have to descirbe a paiting or a picture in french
and present to the class
you get cue cards but only 25 words
what i am i going to do with 25 words and only in dot point form
and i have a frnch writting presentation too
I don't know....so hectic
and english Macbeth essay
VF Muhammad questions

BY Peanut

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