Thursday, June 18, 2009

Holidays starts tomorrow!

YAY! 1 more day and holidays! I am soooooo excited but i have a few test and set assignments to do tomorrow and over the holidays! Wahhh, well i have to do that one the 1st week of holidays before i go back to Malaysia! I have French, Maths and English stuff to do over the hols and a legal test 2morrow. We were meant to have a French oral today but it was cancel so was the english essay test tomorrow! :) JOY! I'm now in the library chilling out at lunchtime with Grace sitting next to me reading a book.

We are doing a debate on "offensive jokes" tomorrow in English.Me and Grace and Emma have been looking at offensive jokes website and they were REALLY REALLY offensive! I mean it! I was like "How can they think its the best jokes ever!" How? I think i will be a big debate tomorrow. When we Mrs Wheelan told us the topic Jemima was like blarring out rebuttals on every comment that Mrs Wheelan made. LOL, emma could imagine our whole classroom shaking! LOL!

Love Peanut

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