Thursday, June 4, 2009


Today for activities our group went to the Concord school. We have to swap groups with the other group who went to concord last semester and they get to do food tech. Concord is a school where children or teenagers who have a mental disable. They have a problem learning and abosorbing infomation quickly. Some of them is a few years behind their age and some are 1 year or 2 behind. The school varies from prep-Yr 12. Some of them are quite smart and me and maddie were working with them.

We were working with the top bright students in the school. They were smarter than I actually imagine. Well....some of them are brigther then me in Maths! I admit it! They can count in their brain and i have to use my fingers...LOL! They can use the computers really well too! They type as good as me. Didn't hesitated much on each keys! Also their basic knowledge was pretty good. They played knowledge wars between each other and the teachers will ask some questions and they will race each other up the laddle. It's pretty cool.

I was so nervous at first coz I haven't done anything like that before. After the experience, I reckon it wasn't that bad plus it was quite fun and interesting! It was actually better than i thought. The people there are so nice. So, don't judge a book by it's cover, if you get to know them, they are really COOL!!!!!

Love Peanut

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