Sunday, June 27, 2010

SUPER BOY 2010 20 into 12

His in to the
TOP 12
I'm happy for him
and for the other 11 of them
but I also feel sorry at the same time
for those who got eliminated
especially 杰希's best friend
He's really good at composing songs
and he sings well too
but too bad
he got eliminated today
and when they had close ups of the TOP 12
wasn't that bit happy
he didn't smile
and show his braces
don't be sad
in a competition
everyone is a winner
cause we did our very best
I'll be cheering for you
and he will also be cheering for you
Your parents
your gf (LOL!~ he told the media he had one :S )
and ME!
so give me that smile of yours

NO. 11 谭杰希


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