Saturday, May 15, 2010

Grandma is still in a coma


mum is extending her stay in Malaysia

I miss her



I keep crying everynight

the news of grandma

gets worse and worse

I feel like my eyes are so dry

cause I have no more tears left

negative images keeps flowing through my mind

i try to push them away

but it seems they always fail

the weather this few days were cold and miserable

I don't have the mood to do anything

I try to make myself laugh

while watching all those funny shows

I'll laugh

but it won't last long


and i want to talk to you


Exams is next week

Does it seems that i care now?!


But i have too


Back to studying

in this shity mood
By Pearly
P.S the top picture is paper cranes that i took a photograph of in Japan. Hope there will be a miracle and Grandma will wake up soon and everything will go back to normal.....

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