Sunday, January 31, 2010

*sad face*

I was just talking on the post before

"oh...i have to finish watching my series

before school starts"

I was watching it for the past 1/2 hour


not sure if it's my laptop or the disc

i'm guessing both

because it never happens so many times in one go


the problem is

it keeps stopping

and not responding
so i have to eject the disc

load it again

and fast foward it to the right spot

but after like 10 minutes

it stop responding again

and i have to take the disc out...blah blah blah

all over again

i've been doing that for the pass 1/2 hour

normally it doesn't react like that

now i totally doesn't respond


I give up!

might as well just finish it tomorrow

CEEBS reading "fly away peter"

CEEBS doing any more homework

CEEBS just doing anything but watching my series

that for some reason i can't watch now!



p.s: i'm watching momo love by the way!


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