Monday, December 21, 2009

Airport Chaos

I suddenly thought of something that I wanted to blog about
it's about the day when i'm coming back to Malaysia
I was so freaky...hahaha
the night before i was like
...."we will arrive in Malaysia safe and sound"
and of course we did but there were some GLICHES on the way
ok...when we reach the airport
the counter for our flight hasn't open for checkin yet
so we waited....
after 15 minuted i was like
um...mum do you think the people are on strike
as said in the newspaper and mum was like don't be silly
so we waited for an hour
and finally they open up for check in
well that wasn't really a glich anyway...
when it was our turn, we went up to the counter and there was two ladies there
one was a trainee and one was supervising her
so i was like ok...
dad then put the luggage on the scale so they can be weight and check in
mum and dad's luggage weigh at approx 33kg
usually we can pass with that weigh
cause each person is allow 20kg
and me mum and dad added together will be 60 kg
so my bag and another small luggage add with mum and dad's wouldn't even reach 60kg
but the trainee said that eventhough it won't add up one luggage can't overceed a limit or something
so we had to take out stuff from it...
we took out i think some biscuits and a bottle of honey
sounds weird but we bought them for relatives here! bear with me
anyway...we didn't think twice and just grab stuff and put it in mum's handluggage
and then the trainee was like....
i reset the scale try again and i think it will be fine
so dad put the luggage back onto the scale again and it was a kg less and she was like yeah that's fine!
WHAT?! stupid trainee
so that was settle and we check in
and then we when through the passport controls...and before we enter the gate the controller was like ....if you have any liquids it must be under 100ml or something simillar
we were like no no no we don't and then we went through customs
and then arrive at the xray bag checking point if you like to call that
so we did our usual bag checking, laptop out of laptop case blah blah blah
and then *dun dun DUN!!!!* (sound effect LOL) mum was like OH SHIT (she didn't say that, well she just clap her hands and said something bad in chinese) THE HONEY!
and i was like *CLICK* OH SHIT IT'S a LIQUID over 100ML
and the inspector was like is there water in the bag
and mum was like it's honey
and the inspector's face was like HUH?! HONEY!?
so mum went back through the metal detector and they threw the honey out
and there goes the honey
glad it was just o homebrand
after the checking point mum was like i forgot that we can't bring honey and stuff like that
well the person did warn us we just didn't notice! lol!
anyway....nothing much happen until we arrive in Malaysia....
after customs and to the baggage reclaim
we collected two of our bags and waiting for mum and dad's (AGAIN)
we waited and waited....everyone slowly got their bags
it was a long interval between the two bags and the last one and i was like something's wrong! lol
and the a ground staff came to us asking if we are still waiting on bags on this caresoul and we were like YES and he said that the loadin of bags was over and this is it!
mum and dad's faces turn green
and they were like saying they will check again blah blah blah
and gladly they say they found it
so we got our bags from at the far end and left the baggage reclaim
we went to buy a ticket for an airport taxiand ended up buy two taxis for an expensive RM144! @@ it was like RM85 per taxi before
we couldn't fit one because they say our baggage wouldn't fit
but we usually fit in one but why not then?!
so we went into two taxis
mum and me
our taxi driver was driving so fast that mum was so scare! LOL
i was alright
listening to my IPOD and dancing to the beat! ^^
so that was the big chaos...
BIG to
it's just mad

BY Pearly

P.S not using Peanut to sign off now...using my real name PEARLY! ^^

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