Friday, November 20, 2009

Day off

when out with bec today...
watched new moon!
thought it was good....
th ending was a cliffhanger
but we all know the no need to worry!
there was someone in the cinema snoring throughout the whole movie
and it was ANNOYING!
how can someone sleep while watching NEW MOON!
I mean...if you don't like the movie..please don't sit there and sleep
it annoys the shits out of me!
after the movie we when for a shop and lunch and then we when into safeway(the second time that day)
and we had this photoshoot in there with my Nintendo DSI
it was the funniest thing ever!
we when to every section (well some!) and took pictures with different items...
and then at 3 we left epping plaza.
well....there was a dust storm/thunder/wind while we were having lunch
and at home...the doors and windows werent really close
so we had dust everywhere
mum and dad are cleaning it now... *sIGH*
hanging out with Bec helps me take my mind of things...
things that are eating up my life anf brain!
don't know what i'm thinking is right or wrong!

BY Peanut!=

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