Saturday, May 2, 2009

I'm "Crazy For You"!!!

Today was a big day. I am so tired now that I can just plop into bed and sleep for a fair few hours but I decided to post on my blog. ^^ Cause everyone loves if!Anyway, I get carried away so often!

Today I woke up at 6:30 to play my basketball game at school. As always, I'm not good at running (you will ask why I play basketball then) so I was fully puffing before half time and there was only 1 sub! We were playing against Caulfield Grammar and we lost, I think 26-10. Not quite sure. But I score a point and I'm quite proud of my-self. I actually took control of the ball and got it in the basketball! Yay!

Then I when home, took a shower and practice my piano pieces while waiting for Bec to come over to my place. At around 1:30 Bec got here and mum and dad when out and got our lunch. We ate curry laksa...YUM! We started loading the "Twilight" DVD after they left. We still can't get over it! Both of us are obsess on the "Twilight Saga". We some of the lines in the movie and we mimicked with the actors. We also pointed out all the missing and extra scenes that did or didn't appear in the book. It was quite fun. We pointed out SOOOOOOOOO much!

Then we watch "Disturbia" for a while. It's a movie day today! rhymes. Then we got change and when to the theater to watch our school play "Crazy For You". We were half an hour early. Bec didn't want to see anyone from school so we waited the cold. At about 8:15 the doors open and when to our seats. I was babbling away about the people that walk through the doors saying who I know and their gossips and Bec was just sitting there texting all the time....Thanks BEC! ^^

The play was always! I love the tap dancing, it was pretty cool.I there was so many kiss scene in that play and some of them are real. You could see it so cleary. I'm like WOAH! Too over! I enjoyed it and I hoped Bec did. She looked so sleepy when she was watching the play! :P When everyone laugh she is so calm and I'm like what's wrong with her...Lol Jokes. No offence Bec! Just mucking around!

I'm now in bed with my new electric blanket on...warm and cosy. Music on......ahhhhh I wish something happy now would happen.....My eyelids are like drooping down now.....

Love Peanut

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