I've been down to Daylesford with my family and my mum's colleague for 3 days 2 night. It is so beautiful there. So relaxing ad peaceful. We rented a holiday house just a few minutes down the road from the town.
The town is a small one. It's like those vintage towns. I love the shops there, they sell stuff that i've never seen before. I didn't get anything though...WAIT, i did! LOL. I got this plush doll that is stuff with lavender. If you squeeze its tummy (where the lavender is) the smell will appear. It makes you feel relaxed. It's really good! ^^
I have to share my room with someone. It was alright. But i hated the beds. My bed at home is a queen size bed and the beds at the holiday house were single...but that isn't the main problem. The main problem is, the bed are on wheels and they don't have a freaking lock to lock it down to the ground....Grrr...so we were playing bumper "beds" for the whole night. Well, that not quite through. Lol. That will be terrible. I was glad i didn't fell of the bed. I thought i would, but i didn't!
Oh, it was so funny when we first got there. We were first to be there and we were waiting for 2 more people. We couldn't get into the house because we don't have the key. So we waited in the car until the other 2 came. They don't have the key either and the owner of the house was meant to meet us there. They started calling the owner while we look around the house for the key....I was smart enough to look under the doormat but it wasn't there. So i got back into the car because it was raining and freakin cold that day! Then dad when walking around the house and he turn around the corner and the keys were in his hands! The owner kept the keys in the electric box. Who the hell will keep keys in thie electric box? LOL. So we got in.
We brought so many food that it feels like we brought the everything but our house!LOL! We had noodles on the first night(Bec will like this!). Then we had barbeque. We had to do it under the rain... Everyone except when to have a massage the next day. I stayed home an watch DVDs! LOL! Same old me! ^^ I watched it on my latop on the bed which made me so fustrated because it kept moving around!
On the last day we when for lunch in a really posh restaurant near Lake Daylesford. But i just wore a shirt and jeans. LOL! I didn't know it was a formal lunch. Neither did mum. I was so full. Then we had a walk around the lake. I took some photos of it! It's really big and pretty. And the autumn leaves contrast with it!
Love Peanut
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