I think it just hit me today that there is two more weeks till mid-years exams. I don't think I'm going to make it. I'm so screw. I'm typing notes for Legal now and we have to revise half a textbook for this exam and in the year end exams, i think we have to revise the who;e textbook which is.......640 pages. OMG!
For English, I haven't finish reading the book that will be on the test but I think there will be an essay topic on the film we watched. I think I'm good with that. French, um...it's alright just need to remember everything. The rules, the tenses, the vocabulary.....Science, I get Genetics...I think and i don't really get Physics(motion) I'm so lost for that! and Psychology. I'm cool with that.
Maths! Uh!!!! I don't get it! (haha! That is a joke we use in maths and science, It's really funny, well maybe not to you guys) We have to do Irrational and Rational numbers, Algebra, Measurement and Trig. I'm not good for the first 1 , Algebra ia alright but can't remember the rules, same as measurement can't remember the rules and Trig...I know it's easy but sometimes I mix it up. Lol! I know...i'm really useless sometimes.
V and F...don't really care about that. Is that even on the exam? Yes. I think the topics are Genetics, Abortion, and Captital Punishment. Well, it's basically based on your opinion so if you listen well in class you will be fine. Then we have this PE prac thing we have to do. It goes for 2 hours, what are we doing? Running around in circles and see who collapse first..well that will be me! Ugh! I think we have to show her how to pass the ball, how to stand and how to juggle.....yeah juggle. My PE teacher thinks juggling is a sport. I have fun doing it but i don't reckon in PE classes. No! And she can't even juggle too! Lol!
Well that's basically the exams subject. SO MUCH OF IT! Year end-exams will be this plus next semester's work together and it will be MASSIVE! I will have a mountain of books surrounding me and my memory on my laptop will run off! AH!!! That won't be possible i think....over the board! I have to get good results in this exam because if i fail or don't get and average of B, i will be limited to some subjects to choose for next year. I have already planned for my VCE subjects and I don't want to wreck my plan! Kambateh! Yeah!!!!
Love Peanut
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Basketball Training
Today i had basketball training after school at school. Our team consist people from yr 7 to yr 12 because we always have so little joining the basketball team we have to have only one team. How sad is that! Other sports have like 3 or more teams for different year levels! Why can't people join the team! It is so fustrating! Lol...anyway
We had only 3 at trainning today! Joy! and we didn't have the same coach as we did last year because she couldn't make it on Wednesday nights so we got a new coach. A guy for a change and he comes from Hawthron. I can't believe someone is willing to comm from Hawthron to Mernda. Do you know how long it takes?! You probably don't but it takes ages. It's like in another part of Melbourne. Lol...or Victoria? Yeah...
After trainning I walk over to my locker to get my stuff and I heard our teacher in charge Mrs Lennon talking to the coach and overheard that he has to walk to the bus stop and Mrs Lenno can't give him a lift because she's got work to do. So, I walk over to my mum's car and when we started driving out of the school's car park, I told mum about the new coach and told him he have to walk to the bus stop. Mum then said why not give him a lift...I was like...What! And mum was like it's so cold out there, it's terrible to walk that far to the bus stop. So mum offered him a lift...but not to the bus stop but to the train station instead. and mum said that he wanted a lift every Wednesday, just follow me after trainning and she or my dad will give him a lift....I wasn't really expecting that. And i am afraid we have to do that on Saturday matches too!!! NO!!!!
Mum and me anaylise to route and transport he has to use from Hawthorn to Mernda. I can only do it backwards so....if he was going home, he have to take the bus on Plenty Road to any train station that will lead him to flinders. Get of at Flinders Station and then catch a tram to Hawthorn. That will that like 2 hours? Lol! So mum was like driving him to the train station will waste less time for him....yeah mum. I'm not saying i don't agree on giving him a lift but i just feel a bit awkward....really awkward. He was late today for training and i think it was because of all the walking he has to walk to our school from the bus stop and he got here at around 3:45. Trainning starts at 3:15 and ends at 4:15 so he came to train us 3 for only half an hour and he has to go back to Hawthorn on a 2 hour trip. How dashing....Lol...I like the word "dashing" really dashing! ^^
Oh well, the school musical is having their opening night tomorrown...wish them good luck! But my friends who are in the play say the play is really bad and they will screw up badly but that is what they say every year and last year was really good...especially The Cat in the Hat......hope he rest in peace. I'm so sad now. ^^ Cheer up! Anyway....I bet it will be ok. I was in the play once and i know those feelings when you say you're screw...LOL! It's the something anniversary this year for the school play so most past years students are coming tomorrow but i wanted to see them too! And i'm going on Saturday! Wahhhh....I want to see how they look like now! - -"
The teachers, cast and crew for "Crazy For You" good luck for the opening night and I'll be there on closing night!
Love Peanut
We had only 3 at trainning today! Joy! and we didn't have the same coach as we did last year because she couldn't make it on Wednesday nights so we got a new coach. A guy for a change and he comes from Hawthron. I can't believe someone is willing to comm from Hawthron to Mernda. Do you know how long it takes?! You probably don't but it takes ages. It's like in another part of Melbourne. Lol...or Victoria? Yeah...
After trainning I walk over to my locker to get my stuff and I heard our teacher in charge Mrs Lennon talking to the coach and overheard that he has to walk to the bus stop and Mrs Lenno can't give him a lift because she's got work to do. So, I walk over to my mum's car and when we started driving out of the school's car park, I told mum about the new coach and told him he have to walk to the bus stop. Mum then said why not give him a lift...I was like...What! And mum was like it's so cold out there, it's terrible to walk that far to the bus stop. So mum offered him a lift...but not to the bus stop but to the train station instead. and mum said that he wanted a lift every Wednesday, just follow me after trainning and she or my dad will give him a lift....I wasn't really expecting that. And i am afraid we have to do that on Saturday matches too!!! NO!!!!
Mum and me anaylise to route and transport he has to use from Hawthorn to Mernda. I can only do it backwards so....if he was going home, he have to take the bus on Plenty Road to any train station that will lead him to flinders. Get of at Flinders Station and then catch a tram to Hawthorn. That will that like 2 hours? Lol! So mum was like driving him to the train station will waste less time for him....yeah mum. I'm not saying i don't agree on giving him a lift but i just feel a bit awkward....really awkward. He was late today for training and i think it was because of all the walking he has to walk to our school from the bus stop and he got here at around 3:45. Trainning starts at 3:15 and ends at 4:15 so he came to train us 3 for only half an hour and he has to go back to Hawthorn on a 2 hour trip. How dashing....Lol...I like the word "dashing" really dashing! ^^
Oh well, the school musical is having their opening night tomorrown...wish them good luck! But my friends who are in the play say the play is really bad and they will screw up badly but that is what they say every year and last year was really good...especially The Cat in the Hat......hope he rest in peace. I'm so sad now. ^^ Cheer up! Anyway....I bet it will be ok. I was in the play once and i know those feelings when you say you're screw...LOL! It's the something anniversary this year for the school play so most past years students are coming tomorrow but i wanted to see them too! And i'm going on Saturday! Wahhhh....I want to see how they look like now! - -"
The teachers, cast and crew for "Crazy For You" good luck for the opening night and I'll be there on closing night!
Love Peanut
Monday, April 27, 2009
Rain and wind .....
Rain and wind doesn't make a good day at all...it just makes it "cold and wet". That is all that i can describe of my day. I woke up this morning in the "freezer" a.k.a my room. I was as cold as ice. I didn't feel like getting up but at lease i wore my winter uniform to school today! The uniform was....quite warm! ^^ But i had PE first period and I have to change ut of my uniform which was already heated and into my cold PE uniform. Yesterday, night i was thinking there was no PE and this morning i looked at my timetable and was like DAMN! We did jumps, gymnastic type, where you jump on the mini trampolin and jump and land onto the crashmats. I couldn't do it so i sat out and watch the class do it. it was so funny at the start because everyone kept tumbling over! LOL
Then i had my legal test. It was alright I guess. I got some of them...but like not fully inform answers. So...yeah. Then after the test we had the musical assembly. Thank God we didn't have careers, I will be like uhhhhhh! This year's musical is "Crazy For You" It's some sort of a slutty playboy comedy musical. (Suits Heather!). It's on show this Thrusday, Friday and Saturday. I'm watching the closing night with Bec and we got front row seats! Yay! Ok back to the assembly....the main leads (14 of them WOAH!) talked about heir character and the backstage people also talked about thier job. Then we had a part of the musical shown to us and the item was "Naugthy Baby". before the play i heard there were kiss scences and i think there was meant to be one in this item but i think they took it out because it will be too extreme for high school students to do that! LOL.
I was once in the play! I was in Beauty and the Beast and i was a plate! How dashing! I have to wear this round cardboard thing and a white cloth with pink starps sew on it as my dress! lol! The rehersals are so tiring! You have to stay after school to like 9 the latest. and you also have to cope with the homework you get at school but the teachers will give you less if you are in the play! Not fair! LOL!
Then i had maths and science! Uh! We are doing trig in maths. I get this topic but i always forget to bring my graphics calculator. then we have Science. we have a replacement teacher for the term and she is vicious! She was about to give us 8 questions to do for homework last time and we were like WTF. Mr place doesn't give us any homework and we get the topic. We said that the play people won't have time to do their hw so we got off it. Luckliy today she couldn't be bother giving us homework but i bet you she will be more vicious after the play and give us this massive pile of hw! Oh, we are doing physics now and i HATE IT SO MUCH! I'm not doing it next year in yr 11. Screw physics! LOL
Love Peanut
Then i had my legal test. It was alright I guess. I got some of them...but like not fully inform answers. So...yeah. Then after the test we had the musical assembly. Thank God we didn't have careers, I will be like uhhhhhh! This year's musical is "Crazy For You" It's some sort of a slutty playboy comedy musical. (Suits Heather!). It's on show this Thrusday, Friday and Saturday. I'm watching the closing night with Bec and we got front row seats! Yay! Ok back to the assembly....the main leads (14 of them WOAH!) talked about heir character and the backstage people also talked about thier job. Then we had a part of the musical shown to us and the item was "Naugthy Baby". before the play i heard there were kiss scences and i think there was meant to be one in this item but i think they took it out because it will be too extreme for high school students to do that! LOL.
I was once in the play! I was in Beauty and the Beast and i was a plate! How dashing! I have to wear this round cardboard thing and a white cloth with pink starps sew on it as my dress! lol! The rehersals are so tiring! You have to stay after school to like 9 the latest. and you also have to cope with the homework you get at school but the teachers will give you less if you are in the play! Not fair! LOL!
Then i had maths and science! Uh! We are doing trig in maths. I get this topic but i always forget to bring my graphics calculator. then we have Science. we have a replacement teacher for the term and she is vicious! She was about to give us 8 questions to do for homework last time and we were like WTF. Mr place doesn't give us any homework and we get the topic. We said that the play people won't have time to do their hw so we got off it. Luckliy today she couldn't be bother giving us homework but i bet you she will be more vicious after the play and give us this massive pile of hw! Oh, we are doing physics now and i HATE IT SO MUCH! I'm not doing it next year in yr 11. Screw physics! LOL
Love Peanut
Heather problems...
Ok, those problems are not affecting me but affecting my friends around me espcially Caitie. Heather, have been so firltatious with every boy in our group that we can't stand it. She is overeacting I tell you! I thought she was cool and stuff. She was always so friendly to me but she started shunning me at the start of this year. She didn't talk to me and just pushes me off and walks away. What is wrong with her....
Our group, well my friends (the jemima side) are saying she is a slut! She keeps filrting with guys in the group, in and not in a relationship. She floats around and hugs and do really intimate actions with them. I was like, what happen to her? I can't stand it! I mean you can't go up and...you know hug him from behind in front of his girlfriend. i know its a normal thing in Australia but there is a deeper meaning than just friendship!
One of the issue was about Alex. As i said before Alex and Ciaties once when out but now they have broken up but they're still good friends. After they broke up, Heather was the first one...i think to start filrting with him. Caitie waas getting so angry and stuff. I know that it is none of Caitie's buisness now that who Alex chooses to got out with but Heather was just way to over the board. When both of them were talking she just barges into their personal space and starts dragging Alex away from Caitie and fully hugging him. I was rolling my eyes and saying "ugh" at the same time.
Jemima is planning to have a talk face to face with Heather and sort things out. What if she starts wrecking other people's relationship? Maybe she was what made Alex and Caities broke up? But...we don't have proof. But how can Alex and Caitie suddenly broke up but still be so friendly with each other? It looks like they are still going out when they talk! Our frienship group is so screw up! Friendship incest! Yay! Lol! I have beewn saying it for the past few post! haha!
love Peanut
Our group, well my friends (the jemima side) are saying she is a slut! She keeps filrting with guys in the group, in and not in a relationship. She floats around and hugs and do really intimate actions with them. I was like, what happen to her? I can't stand it! I mean you can't go up and...you know hug him from behind in front of his girlfriend. i know its a normal thing in Australia but there is a deeper meaning than just friendship!
One of the issue was about Alex. As i said before Alex and Ciaties once when out but now they have broken up but they're still good friends. After they broke up, Heather was the first one...i think to start filrting with him. Caitie waas getting so angry and stuff. I know that it is none of Caitie's buisness now that who Alex chooses to got out with but Heather was just way to over the board. When both of them were talking she just barges into their personal space and starts dragging Alex away from Caitie and fully hugging him. I was rolling my eyes and saying "ugh" at the same time.
Jemima is planning to have a talk face to face with Heather and sort things out. What if she starts wrecking other people's relationship? Maybe she was what made Alex and Caities broke up? But...we don't have proof. But how can Alex and Caitie suddenly broke up but still be so friendly with each other? It looks like they are still going out when they talk! Our frienship group is so screw up! Friendship incest! Yay! Lol! I have beewn saying it for the past few post! haha!
love Peanut
Friday, April 24, 2009
Alex and Kary's concert
Some you might know who they are....mostly chinese will know them cause i am one! Lol! I watch they concert today and it was SOOOOO good. I love concerts espcially their atmosphere. The crowd is like a duplicate of you! Lol! I'm glad they came to Melbourne insted f Sydney because most chinese singers go to Sydney instead.
The concert was in Hamer Hall. We were suppose to sit at the balcony in the $56 area but we got upgraded...FREE to the $118 seats. It was so close to the stage but not that close as the VIPs. Oh, the got to play games with them, get photos and posters thrown to them, shake hands with them and one lucky girl got to hold Alex hand will he sings to her. How charming of him! ^^
I didn't want the concert to end... this is what i feel after watching concerts which i have only watch 4 plus this one. Lol! I've could have watch more if i was still in Malaysia but more chinese artist are coming to Melbourne! There are few concerts coming soon but i don't thing i can watch it because mum doesn't want to go out on a school night. But i really wanted to watch the Mayday concert. Oh well, at least i got to watch this one. I screamed so loud, i was so nervous at the start. My face was blushing and my heart was beating so fast! Alex is really hot! lol!
You know sometimes i have this feeling when watching stars on TV and I feel if they are not real....and once in your lifetime you have to see them live. Like they have to be right in front of you, singing, talking, laughing....LOL! And now I know Alex and Kary are real and i love them...4 ever!
Love Peanut
The concert was in Hamer Hall. We were suppose to sit at the balcony in the $56 area but we got upgraded...FREE to the $118 seats. It was so close to the stage but not that close as the VIPs. Oh, the got to play games with them, get photos and posters thrown to them, shake hands with them and one lucky girl got to hold Alex hand will he sings to her. How charming of him! ^^
I didn't want the concert to end... this is what i feel after watching concerts which i have only watch 4 plus this one. Lol! I've could have watch more if i was still in Malaysia but more chinese artist are coming to Melbourne! There are few concerts coming soon but i don't thing i can watch it because mum doesn't want to go out on a school night. But i really wanted to watch the Mayday concert. Oh well, at least i got to watch this one. I screamed so loud, i was so nervous at the start. My face was blushing and my heart was beating so fast! Alex is really hot! lol!
You know sometimes i have this feeling when watching stars on TV and I feel if they are not real....and once in your lifetime you have to see them live. Like they have to be right in front of you, singing, talking, laughing....LOL! And now I know Alex and Kary are real and i love them...4 ever!
Love Peanut
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
As what I said...

As what i said yesterday about the "friendship incest" issue that is going on in our grade is getting worse. Today I found out that 4 people were successfully paired up. Tim and Erin and Piers and Tori....WTH! That is so wrong! So so so wrong.....and the group have been talking about the past relationships or crushes they having involving the people in the group and they were damn complicated but fascinating to hear about new things! Piers and Tori...how did that happen. I'm not really sure about it, but i heard them talking about it. But maybe it's another Tori? ^^ Tim asked Erin out yesterday but I didn't know the answer to it. They say they are going to "try" it out first....As if you could try your feelings.
Mitch and Courtney got paired up before the end of term 1. and today at lunchtime, ...i heard that Mitch was filrting with Erin where Tim and Courtney was and Courtney was talking to some other guy that i couldn't remember his name. Courtney's best friends all don't agree with the relationship between her and Mitch. Because both of them have different personalities...and well the relationship started through a text message. That...well, i guess is not good enough!
Alex and Caitie broke up before the debuthane. That was sad. They were cute and they really match. In term 2, there is all this girls in the same group started coming up to Alex and filrting at him....and Caitie was oh so jelouse. Well, if you still like him then why break up. They still look as if they were a couple. They act so close! Well, that is what Aussi are, they are so open!
And Heather has become quite filtatious this term. She's been firlting with nearly every guy in the group espcially Ben. What is wrong with this group? So complicated!!!!!! Ahhhh!!!!
Love Peanut
Monday, April 20, 2009
Friendship or Love?
Well, this is not about me...it's about the issue that is going around in the group that I'm recently hanging out with. The people in the group have been friends since I think the start of school and now there are more love reltionship sparking up between them. Should friends stay as friends or should they evolve into lovers?
Jemima, one of the friends in the group which has her own opinion was talking about it when we were sitting together at lunchtime. She doesn't agree with all of the love relationship going on. She says it's breaking the friendship bond and making it awkard for everyone. She also made up a name for this issue..."friendship incest". LOL! I find that funny though...don't know why.
Well, in my opinion it's really hard to not fall for someone that you see and talk to everyday...especially a friend! Mostly couples were friends before they got together, so i think it's a normal thing. But some people find that disgusting and not-the-right-thing to do. Well, if you don't start as friends...I don't think there is another way to start a love reltionship.But some people prefer friendship. Maybe her/his friend love the same person as him/her and this will make it feel awkard and friendship problem arises.
The atmosphere in our group is getting more awkward and more complicated......
Love Peanut
Jemima, one of the friends in the group which has her own opinion was talking about it when we were sitting together at lunchtime. She doesn't agree with all of the love relationship going on. She says it's breaking the friendship bond and making it awkard for everyone. She also made up a name for this issue..."friendship incest". LOL! I find that funny though...don't know why.
Well, in my opinion it's really hard to not fall for someone that you see and talk to everyday...especially a friend! Mostly couples were friends before they got together, so i think it's a normal thing. But some people find that disgusting and not-the-right-thing to do. Well, if you don't start as friends...I don't think there is another way to start a love reltionship.But some people prefer friendship. Maybe her/his friend love the same person as him/her and this will make it feel awkard and friendship problem arises.
The atmosphere in our group is getting more awkward and more complicated......
Love Peanut
First day of term 2...
Well, i got up today at 6:00 and it was freezing... I was so warm in bed and i have to get up. I hope I wore my winter uniform today but I wore my summer because I don't want to be a fool when i get to school while everyone is still wearing summer. It feel so different at school cause i haven't been here for 3 weeks. I have so many things to catch up. I have my French oral to do, maths revision, VandF research. Oh god, and 4 more weeks till exams. That's a month away. But then....i have 3 and half weeks of holidays! Yay!
This week, on Thrusday, I'm going to the La Trobe science and engineering competition thing. So no school for me plus I'm going to see Bec! She put her name down too! Can't wait for Thrusday! And Friday i'm going to watch a concert with my family at Hamer Hall. It's going to be so cool. On Saturday, which is ANZAC day for us (NOT FAIR for having it on Saturday because we don't get a day off anymore! WAHHH)i'm having dinner at my family's friend's house. They cook delicious food! Yum! I'm hungry now, can't wait to eat my lunch. Ham and Cheese sandwitch! Croque Monsieur! That is ham and cheese sandwitch in French if you guys have to know that!
I'm worrying about the work experience we have to do. I haven't go looking and asking yet. I have to be quick. Everyone is talking about it! And I found out you still have to do it in Year 11. Screw that! I might as well go work at Safeway or Coles....LOL!
Love Peanut
This week, on Thrusday, I'm going to the La Trobe science and engineering competition thing. So no school for me plus I'm going to see Bec! She put her name down too! Can't wait for Thrusday! And Friday i'm going to watch a concert with my family at Hamer Hall. It's going to be so cool. On Saturday, which is ANZAC day for us (NOT FAIR for having it on Saturday because we don't get a day off anymore! WAHHH)i'm having dinner at my family's friend's house. They cook delicious food! Yum! I'm hungry now, can't wait to eat my lunch. Ham and Cheese sandwitch! Croque Monsieur! That is ham and cheese sandwitch in French if you guys have to know that!
I'm worrying about the work experience we have to do. I haven't go looking and asking yet. I have to be quick. Everyone is talking about it! And I found out you still have to do it in Year 11. Screw that! I might as well go work at Safeway or Coles....LOL!
Love Peanut
Sunday, April 19, 2009
It's going to be over!!!
NO!!! holidays are going to be over in less than an hour! AHHH!!! I don't want to wake up at 6:00 tomorrow and go on an hour bus trip to school! It's going to be so tiring this term because i have mid-term exams. I'm so not into school. It will take me weeks to get back to normal and then holidays will be here again. ^^ It tok me quite a few weeks to go back to normal from the Christmas holidays.....Oh well, this is school life.
I have to wait for two months for the next holidays.....it's so long away!!!!
Love Peanut
I have to wait for two months for the next holidays.....it's so long away!!!!
Love Peanut
I've been down to Daylesford with my family and my mum's colleague for 3 days 2 night. It is so beautiful there. So relaxing ad peaceful. We rented a holiday house just a few minutes down the road from the town.
The town is a small one. It's like those vintage towns. I love the shops there, they sell stuff that i've never seen before. I didn't get anything though...WAIT, i did! LOL. I got this plush doll that is stuff with lavender. If you squeeze its tummy (where the lavender is) the smell will appear. It makes you feel relaxed. It's really good! ^^
I have to share my room with someone. It was alright. But i hated the beds. My bed at home is a queen size bed and the beds at the holiday house were single...but that isn't the main problem. The main problem is, the bed are on wheels and they don't have a freaking lock to lock it down to the ground....Grrr...so we were playing bumper "beds" for the whole night. Well, that not quite through. Lol. That will be terrible. I was glad i didn't fell of the bed. I thought i would, but i didn't!
Oh, it was so funny when we first got there. We were first to be there and we were waiting for 2 more people. We couldn't get into the house because we don't have the key. So we waited in the car until the other 2 came. They don't have the key either and the owner of the house was meant to meet us there. They started calling the owner while we look around the house for the key....I was smart enough to look under the doormat but it wasn't there. So i got back into the car because it was raining and freakin cold that day! Then dad when walking around the house and he turn around the corner and the keys were in his hands! The owner kept the keys in the electric box. Who the hell will keep keys in thie electric box? LOL. So we got in.
We brought so many food that it feels like we brought the everything but our house!LOL! We had noodles on the first night(Bec will like this!). Then we had barbeque. We had to do it under the rain... Everyone except when to have a massage the next day. I stayed home an watch DVDs! LOL! Same old me! ^^ I watched it on my latop on the bed which made me so fustrated because it kept moving around!
On the last day we when for lunch in a really posh restaurant near Lake Daylesford. But i just wore a shirt and jeans. LOL! I didn't know it was a formal lunch. Neither did mum. I was so full. Then we had a walk around the lake. I took some photos of it! It's really big and pretty. And the autumn leaves contrast with it!
Love Peanut
Monday, April 13, 2009
Muhahaha! I'm back! ^^
I'm back! Wuhu! Feeling better now...but my neck still aches abit. Easter is over.....holidays are going to be over too! And...like Braclet i have so many homework left to do and I can't be bother doing it! But of course i have to. I have been of school for three weeks now. And all this homework is from the week that i was sick except for some. I'm doing my legal now. Writting notes from my txtbook and answering questions....boring! I have to do that with Science too and i have to revise for a Maths and French oral test! Joy! I also have to finish reading a novel for English. "Montana 1948" a weird book! ^^
This few days we have been meeting up with our family friends. We haven't seen each other for a long time and our conversations are quite funny! We when down to Springvale to Aunt Carol's house for dinner on Saturday and then we when to "Plume" in Highpoint for breakfast on Easter day and later took a stroll in Victoria Market. We when to Vic Market because another family friend from Malaysia, is son came over for holidays so we brought him to Vic Market. Now they are calling us to go to Aunt Diana's house which is just 3 houses apart for her homemade laksa. I'm not going, i can't be bother i'll just use homework as a reason!!! LOL!
Guess what! Today is my dad's birthday! Happy Birthday! Love you forever! And today, Thailand is celebrating their new year. He is all happy and stuff saying that everyone is celebrating with him! Lol! he is so cute!
Ugh....i'm so bludge....lol!
Love Peanut!
P.S I miss you too, Bracelet!
This few days we have been meeting up with our family friends. We haven't seen each other for a long time and our conversations are quite funny! We when down to Springvale to Aunt Carol's house for dinner on Saturday and then we when to "Plume" in Highpoint for breakfast on Easter day and later took a stroll in Victoria Market. We when to Vic Market because another family friend from Malaysia, is son came over for holidays so we brought him to Vic Market. Now they are calling us to go to Aunt Diana's house which is just 3 houses apart for her homemade laksa. I'm not going, i can't be bother i'll just use homework as a reason!!! LOL!
Guess what! Today is my dad's birthday! Happy Birthday! Love you forever! And today, Thailand is celebrating their new year. He is all happy and stuff saying that everyone is celebrating with him! Lol! he is so cute!
Ugh....i'm so bludge....lol!
Love Peanut!
P.S I miss you too, Bracelet!
Friday, April 3, 2009
I have been sick for like 4 days now. I have massive neck pains from tuesday to thrusday and i doesn't hurt that much anymore. I couldn't get up from my bed because i will feel so dizzy that one time i felt down while i was walking! I also vommited 7 times in the pass few days. But it stopped on Thursday. Now i have the fever and once my temperature got up to 39.5. I saw the doctors 4 times now.....Ugh.
I didn't go to school for 4 days. Staying at home wasn't fun at all. All i did was sleep and watch TV all day. And take medication every 6 to 8 hours. I've just check my e-mail and all...well not all except fpr VandF and PE i have holiday homework for each subject! I though there was a rule for no homework over the holidays! NO!!!!!!
I'm feeling really tired now....i better go freshen up...
Love Peanut,
I didn't go to school for 4 days. Staying at home wasn't fun at all. All i did was sleep and watch TV all day. And take medication every 6 to 8 hours. I've just check my e-mail and all...well not all except fpr VandF and PE i have holiday homework for each subject! I though there was a rule for no homework over the holidays! NO!!!!!!
I'm feeling really tired now....i better go freshen up...
Love Peanut,
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