Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I just freaking cried
my external hardrive crashed
it makes a clanking sound
and i JUST found out on google
that it is a head crash
1. the power must be switch of immediately *which i didn't do
2. do not restart it * which i did like 10 million times
3. do not knock on it * which i did continously for the past 10 miunutes

Even my data on the external drive is not like REALLY IMPORTANT
and i've though of going to a data recovery center t recover my data
* which is just my music/pictures/backup of past school work/music sheets/videos
But i've check on google
and the prices were
$450 onwards...the highest $ 2000
as if dad will let me do that!
plus it was MY FAULT THAT IT CRASHED AND NOW DEAD was going fine
when mum walked in and was asking me something
i wanted to walk to here....and
the drive was on the near edge on the bed
and it fell flat onto the ground
it worked for the first few minutes
and then i heard something that i couldn't put my fingers on
and the sound didn't stop so i was like hUH?
and found out it was my external drive
the silly thing was
it was still plugged in
i unplugged it
without backuping
and i couldn't track it on my laptop anymore
All my music is gone
my pictures that i've collected for ages is gone...........
All the organising i've done!


Mum is going to kill me

Dad is going to kill me

wish me luck

let's see how loooong

i can hide them from this!

Glad i'm the only one using it

if they had their important files on there

i'm already dead!

By :

a sad/scared/upset/angry (all negative emotions) PEARLY

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