Saturday, October 3, 2009

I knew it....i always do

Today, or should i say yesterday now
we celebrated the mooncake festival
eventhough the real day is today
we celebrated it yesterday because we are not free tonight as we are going to dinner with other people
as i said before i knew that my aunt and thier family won't come
and of course i was right
they never appeared....
remembering all those years me and their family celebrated togehter
light candles...and lanterns
and guess what....i don't think we even ate mooncake yesterday
we ate western in real cakes
as my other cousin's chinese birthday
so they might as well celebrate it
my uncle got two cakes
one birthday cake and one tanlung cake
which means latern in chinese
which was really funny
we thought it was a cke made in a tanlung shape or something relevant to it
but i was a american choclate cake with "happy tanglung" written on it
i was laughing myself out
after that me and my cousins when outside to start playing with the candles and lantern
that was meant to be the spotlight of the night felt so quiet and ...boring
we did the ritual of burning a rock but still...
it's not the same as before...
i don't think it will ever be...ever

BY Peanut

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